Monday, January 7, 2008

Hats Off to the Bean!

Joshua is learning lots of new 'tricks.' Every time he hands me a toy, I put it on my head and say "a hat!" Then I tell him that Momma can't find the toy and ask him to point to it. He laughs hysterically, which keeps this silly game up. Well, now he's starting to put on "hats" himself. He's sooo cute in them! It's hard to capture on camera, though.

Joshua is saying more words or at least repeating them. When he was at my mom's the other day, he pulled off his shoe and said "uh-oh!" She told him that if he brought the shoe to her, she would put it back on his foot. He picked it up, took it to her and said "SHOE!" Good boy, Bean!

Joshua loves to grab phones and remotes and almost anything electronic. Is he his Daddy's boy or what? But, he also gabs all the time, which is definitely more my personality than Shawn's. He also loves to be held and walked around still, even though he's not as much of a cuddlebug as he once was. But, last night he was so tired he fell asleep in my arms so I sat there for a little over an hour just enjoying watching him sleep peacefully.

I'm working with Joshua on colors, animals and sounds. Every once in awhile, I'll ask him to grab me something "orange" and he'll do it. But then again, every once in awhile he grabs the wrong thing, too. So, I don't know if it's luck or if he's retaining any of it. We'll also say "which animal says 'who who'?" and he'll point to the owl every time. He doesn't know many of the animals, but he does know some. He loves the barnyard magnets Grandma got him for Christmas. When I say "vroom, vroom" he gets a car. I know he knows more and more of what we're saying. It's so fascinating to watch him learn and grow!

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

I simply can't believe how big Joshua is! He's like a kid now...not a baby! But of course he is! Don't you just look at him all the time and think how amazing he is? It's fun to read all the new things he's doing. He sounds so much like Jude.

Hope you're feeling okay and that Baby is doing well. I'm so ready to give birth...can't believe I still have to wait 7 weeks!!!