Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Putting the Bean to Bed

Last night, instead of reading to Joshua, I told him a story of a little boy named "Joshua" who was soon going to have a baby brother. I explained that Mommy & Daddy would need to go away to the hospital for a week to go get him and that Joshua would stay with Grandma and be a good boy for her. Then, we would come home and Joshua would be a big brother and share his toys and his attention and his love with this new little life. Then, I told him that no matter what happened and how the dynamic of our family would change, we would always love him completely and unconditionally.
Say Cheese!
After the 'story,' we snuggled up for prayers as usual and Daddy put "Revelation Song" on in the background since he was on the computer. I sang along while holding and rocking Joshua..."holy, holy is He..." and Shawn & I were amused when Joshua repeated in a sing-songy voice "is-he" (sounding a bit more like EA-SY!). Soooo sweet. When the song was finished, I couldn't see Joshua's face, so I quietly said his name. When he didn't respond, I whispered to ask Shawn if the Bean was still awake. Shawn said his eyes were barely open and looking very heavy. So, I said in a louder voice, "Joshua, would you like to go night-night?" He immediately crawled down off my lap and headed to his new big boy room. Then, I was surprised as he moved his step stool we had strategically placed in his room in case he fell out of bed. He put it right in the middle, climbed up and threw himself onto his blankey. Since I had been right on his heels, I was expecting to lift him up, hug and kiss him, and gently lay him in bed. But, before my very eyes, he took care of it himself. I bent over and gave him a kiss anyway and told him I loved him and that we'd play together in the morning.

Then I walked back into the office and burst into tears, telling Shawn that my little boy was growing up so quickly. Shawn reminded me that we want Joshua to learn independence - that there may be times coming where I can't lift him into bed. And, we want Joshua to become a capable adult so it starts with his learning now. I knew that, and I am so proud of my little boy, who slept all night long. Shawn told me that recently when he laid Joshua down, he kissed him and Joshua wiped away his kiss. That would have made me sadder, I think. What a big little guy!

This morning we found out that Shawn's Grandma Kennel is back in the hospital for heart-related issues. Our pastor also just had a mild heart attack. We are remembering both of them in prayer.


Julie Garner said...

Tears in my eyes over this story! I know how you feel, Val!

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't have ready your blog today. I am having those exact feelings with Elliott now. My c-section is tomorrow morning and I can't believe my baby is now a big boy - though he's not in a big boy bed yet. Joshua's transition to his new bed is amazing! Take care, and in case I don't talk to you before your section, I wish you the best!