Monday, April 2, 2007

Oh, NO! Wrong Toe!

I had to post two cute Joshua stories from today. I've been trying to help Joshua discover his toes, as I've mentioned before. Today is in the 70s, so he's playing in just his onesie and is happy as a clam. I was sitting Indian-style on the floor playing with him, and all of the sudden as I'm about to get up, Joshua starts sucking on MY big toe. YUCK, kiddo! You're supposed to be enthralled with your own toes, not someone else's. I pulled it away immediately and got him interested in another toy. I would have never imagined he would be interested in my bare feet...silly Bean! I guess I'll have to be more careful as we're playing.

The other thing he did as I got up to find the Advil (still not feeling 100% but am much better than before) was to roll from his back to his belly completely unassisted to get a toy. Hooray! I went to grab the camera, and he rolled right back. While I was hoping to get a picture, HOORAY again! Great job, Buddy! Tomorrow hopefully your physical therapist sees signs of improvement. Yeah for Joshua!

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

First things first, I'm glad you are feeling better and I will be getting back to you about rescheduling our lunch. I might not be able to schedule it for a week or two though.

The prioritizing--what an important lessons. It sounds like you were on overload. That is exactly why I have chosen to clear pretty much everything else from my schedule. I remember one of the ladies from LWWC telling me to remember that I am not superwoman. It will not be possible to do everything I think I need to do and THAT'S OKAY! Words of wisdom. Set your mind on the truth of the Gospel and on God's grace. He will carry you.

As for the big toe...Jude loves feet and loves shoes. He smells our feet, he eats our feet, he smells our shoes and eats our shoes. Of course we don't actually allow the eating, but he tries at every moment he gets. The big toe reminds him of his nookie I suppose. But that is soooo funny! Your toes, Joshua! Your toes!

Love you, Val!