Monday, April 23, 2007

Mellow Monday

Jamie's biopsy seemed to go well. A friend of my mom's from the post office worked for her for an hour before the surgery (it was a blessing that he was to go in over lunchtime) and another friend came later that afternoon so she could leave early. She worked Saturday and part of this morning, but that same friend got her office covered for today, and her clerk comes back tomorrow. If I knew who this friend was, I think I'd go give her a big hug.

Friday night Shawn & I went grocery shopping for things mom could take with her to the hospital, like fruit, individually wrapped carrot packs, granola bars, yogurt, stuff to make sandwiches, bottles of water & juice, etc. She kept saying how she hated to leave the room (even to run to the cafeteria) because she never knows when the doctor will come in with an update or to do more tests, so I thought this was one way we could bless her since she would never ask for help. Saturday, Shawn mowed her yard while I cleaned her house & did her laundry as the Bean played. Gabby, her cat, was glad to see us although she wasn't too sure about Joshua's shrieking. We gave Joshua a bath after we came home, and I had to take a picture of his cute!
Yesterday we went to church and Joshua was good the entire time. He stayed awake during worship & slept during the sermon. There's a family with some of the cutest kids I've ever seen that sat behind us, and their 2-year-old snores when he sleeps. Between having the cuddlebug on me sleeping, hearing this rhythmic breathing behind me & the warmth of the church, I had a hard time keeping my own eyes open, even with the good sermon. We met mom for lunch @ the hospital afterward & said a quick hi to Jamie since we could only go back one at a time since he's in the neuro-something unit. He looks good for having the biopsy but mom said he's weaker than ever, with his entire arm limp & lifeless along with his one leg. Hopefully that gets better and is only a result of the biopsy.

When we came home, Shawn mowed our sky-high grass as I pulled some weeds with the Bean in the bumbo seat outside. Mom stopped over while Jamie took a nap since we're only about five minutes from the hospital. Last night I played with Joshua as Shawn worked on our computer. Here is a video of him laughing @ Daddy. He loves to play with his toes & chew on his socks now, too. He's been really great... well, until last night. He's been sleeping through the night like an angel, but right before bed Shawn thought it was too hot upstairs & turned on our central A/C. Joshua woke up almost every hour. I layered him up, changed his diaper, added socks, and nothing suited him unless I was holding him. I didn't feed him, but he finally got back to sleep around 5 a.m. No more cold A/C for him! I feel bad for the little guy since he seemed chilly, but I was also beat.

This morning after breakfast he played a little while and now he's napping as I'm doing laundry, dishes, putting supper in the crockpot, etc. I should probably nap myself, but I have lots of school work & writing to do, and I'm planning on going into the hospital a little later. I'm just glad he's not cranky today and quite mellow.


Anonymous said...

Val, thank you for helping your mom. I am so very concerned for Jamie and the toll it is taking on both of them.

Anonymous said...

Val, I am so sorry to hear all that your family is going through right now. I will definitely pray for you all, and even though I'm far away, let me know if you need anything! I am there is spirit. I love you!

Julie Garner said...

WOW! I just was able to catch up with you via the blog. Lot has happened I guess, and still so much waiting. I've been praying for Jamie and your mom. And I've been wheezing along with the others at MM over your finger! (Oh my!)

On a sweet note, Joshua just keeps getting cuter. That seven month photo is the best! His eyes are GORGEOUS...just like yours!

Hang in there. Let me know if we can do anything for you!
