Monday, April 16, 2007

Emotion-filled Day

Today was quite a day. I found it ironic that I've been praying for a little girl named Virginia and then all these shootings happen at Virginia Tech. My heart goes out to them as I think about teaching at a University and just how scary that must have been. I'm thankful for each day of my life.

I also received a call from my mom this morning from the Emergency Room. Jamie was being admitted into the hospital. He's been having symptoms of a stroke, but the doctors weren't giving them any solid reports. Then, today he couldn't use his hands to button his shirt. When they called the family doctor, he said take him to the ER. So, they are waiting for some test results. They didn't find bleeding on the brain, but they did see "spots" and he is to go for an MRI. My thoughts and prayers are with him tonight as he spends the night in the hospital in the stroke unit. Mom said that most of the people where he's at seem to be over 90 and he seems pretty worried. I can't imagine what that must feel like, for either one of them. Please pray for him as well.

This morning I finally got to meet up with Kristen & Elliott and Julie & Jude. It was so nice to see them!!! (Happy birthday, Kristen!) While their sons were adorable, Joshua was a crabby-apple. He didn't get a morning nap, and I think between church and the Easter gathering yesterday, another outing today was over the top for him. He may have been too warm, too, since I dressed him for the windy weather and wasn't thinking of how warm it would be inside. It's so hard to tell at this stage when they can't talk. While I had taken my camera to get a picture of them together, Joshua was not smiling to get one. He was happier when we got home for a little while but then he was crying again tonight and he keeps biting the spoon that I'm feeding him with and the nipples on his bottles - I'd say those teeth might be bugging him big time. Poor little guy!

So, how did I deal with all this emotional chaos? I cleaned and cleaned and scrubbed and cleaned. I swept and mopped my floors, bleached my kitchen counters and backsplash, wiped down my dishwasher and fridge, scrubbed my bathtub, cleaned all three bathroom sinks & toilets. I have clothes washing in the washer and dishes in the dishwasher. I still need to vaccuum, but I realized that it was time for Joshua to eat again and it was close to 9 p.m. and I hadn't made anything for Shawn for supper either as my two boys were enjoying each other's company after Daddy got out of work. So, they come first. Changing our sheets & washing walls & windows & conditioning our leather furniture can wait for another day.

I'm praying for the families of the students & professors of Virginia Tech & Grandpa Jamie tonight...along with Joshua's health & well-being and the prayer requests from before. Then, I'm heading off to sleep...tomorrow will be a new day! Praise God!

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