Friday, April 6, 2007


Joshua's got a new little outfit, including the cutest dress shoes, from Grandma for Easter that is so adorable. I hope it fits! He will look so dapper for church Sunday. We've also bought most of the groceries for Easter dinner since we're having my family over for lunch this year. We're having ham, "extra good" mashed potatoes, pineapple stuffing, deviled eggs, creamed corn, salads, rolls, and banana cream pie for dessert. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also hoping that it warms up so we can go to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Every year our neighborhood does various activities that we have yet to go to. But, I think it would be nice to go this year (even though Joshua's not big enough to hunt eggs yet, of course) because someday he'll be able to join in, and it would be nice to meet some of the people in our neighborhood. So, we'll see how the weather holds up.

Today we're also remembering Grandpa Good, who's funeral - a true celebration of his life - was on Good Friday a couple years ago. We prayed for Grandma Good this morning. We also hope to see Grandma & Grandpa Kennel this weekend since Monday is his birthday!

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Can't wait to see pictures of Joshua in his Easter outfit! He's such a cutie!!!

My sister ridiculed Jude's Bunny Vest, but I don't care. He's wearing it on Easter--and with pride! I won't make him wear bunny vests when he is 16, but he is only 1 and he's wearing that cute little thing. HA!

Happy Easter, Val! If my Easter lunch isn't good I'm coming over to your place. Mmmm...

Love ya!