Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Power of Prayer

Here is a picture of Joshua on his new bumbo seat (thanks for the idea, Julie!) - he loves it. Click here to see a video of him "talking." He is SO cute these days!!!!

Today we went to church, and Joshua did REALLY well. He slept through worship (typical since he LOVES the music) and woke up as soon as it got quiet. We had two gals from the youth in the row in front of us, and I knew that Joshua would keep talking to them if we stayed and of course they kept turning around to talk to him, so it wasn't working. So, he and I went down to the nursery. Since I didn't know how he'd do, I didn't leave him but stayed there and played while Daddy stayed and listened to the sermon. Joshua seemed to really like it. There were lots of cool new toys (I tried not to let him chew on them, though, since two of the kids seemed to have colds) and about half a dozen other kids around his age. He was tired of all the commotion around 11:50 am, which is the longest he's lasted so far. So, we left when he started screaming, but they were wrapping up upstairs, so we didn't miss that much.

We came home, ate a quick brunch (Shawn made omelets - yum!), and I fed Joshua rice cereal and butternut squash, both of which he devoured. Afterward, he wasn't that interested in his bottle. We left almost immediately for Nonie & Poppy's since it was the Good Family Easter Dinner this weekend. We all had a great time. Joshua got a little fussy, but I think it was overwhelming to have so many people at once. For the most part, though, I think he did well.

While we were there, Shawn's Aunt Shari gave us the biggest compliment. She said she was in a Bible study talking about Godly marriages and used Shawn and me as an example. I was touched. I remembered our pastor in our premarital counseling telling us that we would exemplify God's plan for a marraige, how Jesus loves the church and how the church is to honor and respect Him. I thought about it as we were driving home then - and I think why our marriage is so wonderful can be summed up in one word: prayer. I've prayed for Shawn long before I even knew he existed. When I was little, I always wanted to get married, and I prayed every night before going to bed that God would give me a partner in life. Shawn has everything I ever prayed for and so much more - he's the best gift from God I've ever received. It's not really the prayers that mattered as much as the one to whom I was praying - the one who has the ability to answer our prayers beyond our expectations. That's why I'm so thankful for all the people who prayed on behalf of Joshua - he's doing so well! God is faithful!

That's why I end this blog with two prayer requests that have stirred my heart within the past two days. The first is for a missionary couple from our church who work at a children's home in Roatan. Their 4-year-old little girl went into the hospital in Roatan for surgery on her broken arm, and something went very wrong with the anesthesia and she didn't breath for somewhere close to five minutes. She's been revived but is in a coma, and they are praying that she'll come out of the coma and not have any brain damage. Please join us in praying for her healing - her name is Virginia. The other prayer request is for Shawn's Aunt Stacy. I was talking to her tonight, and they said that doctors have diagnosed her with pulmonary hypertension. Her breathing difficulties have also caused problems with her heart, and they have given her three years to live. She's very sweet and very young, and she said that she's been feeling very discouraged through all this. I told her that there's nothing too difficult for God and that all things can be prayed away - look at Joshua! So, please pray for her complete healing and restoration. Also pray for her son Austin and her husband Jeff. I can't imagine how they must be feeling, either.

I'm so glad we serve a living God who has power and authority over death, darkness and all of eternity! He amazes me everyday, and I believe we've seen many miracles and will continue to see even more...

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