Monday, April 30, 2007

Dedicated to God

Yesterday Joshua's dedication went really well. He was calm while we were up front, smiled at Pastor Mark and when he said AMEN! Joshua squeeled with delight, to everyone else's amusement. We gave a brief testimony, and the family members present joined us up front. My mom came (Jamie, of course, had to stay in the hospital), her sister Karen who was here visiting my mom & Jamie, my sisters & their families, all of Shawn's siblings & both sets of parents on his side. Grandpa Georgia called in the morning to tell us he was praying for Joshua, and my friend Suz sent a beautiful card and savings bond (thanks so much!).

Afterward we invited everyone back to our house for pizza, and we ended up eating outside because the weather was simply gorgeous. Grandma & Grandpa Ginder came over after everyone else had left, and we had a nice visit with them and ended up going out for supper.

On Thursday, believe it or not, I broke a toe as the toe went one way and my foot went another when I caught the edge of the door. (Why, God, is this happening? What am I to learn?) I had a doctor's appointment, and have to go back in for a follow-up because if it isn't healing properly, he said they might have to pin it because of the extent of the break, which is a thought that makes me want to vomit. That night, Erica, Missy & Jordon were here, which was a lot of fun. Erica made dinner, and we all played with Joshua's toys, which Jordon loved. Erica came over Friday afternoon to give me a break with the Bean, too, which was so sweet. Shawn & I went to visit Jamie in the hospital and then went on a date to Characters, a very nice restaurant in Lancaster city that I would highly recommend. We had an amazing time, and so did Joshua. When we came home, he was curled up with Aunt Erica sound asleep as she was watching TV.

I think Joshua will talk any day now. He babbles all the time and mimmicks what we're saying to a certain extent. He says dadada, mamamam, bababa, waabaawaabaa, etc. He also makes sounds like "I woe you" that sounds just like I love you to us. He's still shrieking, though. It's not terrible, but it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. He's also teething again, complete with drool and knawing. I keep looking for the top two front teeth that accompany the bottom two he's got to come in any day now. He's so adorable and grinning at me from his bouncy seat right now. I love how he can play more now. He's the best Bean in the world! :) :) :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad Joshua's dedication went well. He is growing and changing every day. I love seeing the photos of him. Do you wonder how he can be so "old" already? It'll seem like tomorrow that he'll be "leaving the nest". Enjoy every moment with him, because he really will grow up too fast. I'm sorry to hear about your broken toe.

Julie Garner said...

These pictures of Joshua are so adorable! Where did you have them taken?

I'm so glad his dedication was such a great experience. That little ham! Making everyone laugh!

Ouch! Your toe. Reading that made me wheeze...haha!

Your poor Mom. How she must be so sad right now. (And Jamie too, but she is going to be the one left here without him--he will be with Jesus). I pray that God gives her comfort and strength to bear this with His grace and His mercy right now. I will pray that Jamie will have tremendous sense of peace and a longing to be with his Heavenly Father that will surpass his desire to hold onto his life here. This is such a sad and heart-breaking time. You know I understand! Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Love ya!