Monday, April 9, 2007

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

We had a beautiful weekend altogether. It was exactly what I needed. Shawn took over playing with Joshua and took care of him most of the weekend, and for the first time I felt like I had a much-needed break from care-taking and was able just to enjoy my son and play with him and hold him and not feel so overly responsible...I don't know if that makes sense or not, but it was like a vacation to me, even if it was just in my head. Friday Shawn & I went out to lunch together while Bonnie watched Joshua, which was a nice date. :) :) :) We also watched a movie about that guy...I forget his name already, maybe Vince Paparelli or something like that?...who was a regular Joe who ended up playing football for the Eagles. It was pretty good. Afterwards I peeled potatoes until I thought my fingers would fall off.

Then, Saturday morning we visited Shawn's grandparents, who seemed very happy to see us. Joshua's Great Grandma Kennel surprised me by getting on the floor and playing with the Bean, who absolutely loved her. She also said to us that she was watching some special on TV about the story of the resurrection and it just hit her how the disciples were sleeping while Jesus was praying & agonizing in the garden. She noted how many times we probably 'sleep' through what God is doing. I thought it was so neat that God brings fresh revelation to people even into their 80's. We visited with Great Grandpa Kennel, too, and he was so happy to see us. He was having a good day and asked how old & big Joshua is now and how Shawn's car was running, and he & Joshua grinned at each other ear-to-ear. It was heartbreaking when we left and he kept asking us why we had to go and why we were leaving. But, it was nice to see him, especially since he turns 93 years old today!

Then I went shopping with my mom & sister Becky while Shawn took the Bean home to nap. We actually had fun at the Outlets and had great success finding Easter outfits at the Dress Barn. Who would have thought they'd have such cute clothes? My mom & I had been all over the mall and couldn't find a single dress, so I'm glad we had better luck on Saturday. When we got home, I finished putting the potatoes together and the pineapple stuffing and putting the leaves in the table and setting it for dinner, etc. I was missing one ingredient, so Shawn ran to the store while I watched Joshua in the kitchen & continued to cook, and he surprised me when he came home with two beautiful plants. My husband, he's quite the man!

My friend Suzanne was in town, so she came over to see Joshua for a little bit, and then we went to Barnes & Nobles while Daddy had more quality time with Joshua. It was so great to see her as usual! She is one friend that we can always pick up where we left off. Saturday was great even though the neighborhood Easter egg hunt had been cancelled because of snow flurries and freezing cold conditions.

Finally, we had a great day Easter Sunday. While there were tons of adorable kids dressed up on Easter Sunday, none looked quite as handsome as Joshua. (Although, I'm COMPLETELY biased, of course!) But, unfortunately, even with looking cute, he didn't act so cute. I don't think he was feeling well at all yesterday. Our church doesn't pass the offering plate around, we have to go up front and put our tithes & offerings in a basket at the altar. I'm halfway up the aisle holding the Bean, and he vomits all over my nice new Easter dress and his new outfit. Ugh! I wasn't upset, though. I figure that this will be something I laugh about in years, right? He fell asleep in my arms until worship was over and the music ended which woke him. When the preaching started, he decided that he needed to talk, too. And, noticing that I wasn't as pleased as usual with his talking, he quickly started to cry which turned into screaming. So, I took him down to the nursery, but there were a half a dozen or more kids happily playing there, and I didn't feel right letting Joshua's crying ruin their good time. So, we left a little early from church. In all fairness to him, this is really the first he's been at church in a normal service and crowds swarmed over us to touch his hands and ask how he's doing and comment on how much he's grown and what a miracle baby he is. I think the entire scene overwhelmed him completely.

My family came for lunch, except Becky & Tim since Beck wasn't feeling well. I think the food turned out well (even though we had made far too much and will have leftovers for the next 10 years even after giving some to Jen's family and mom). My nieces' Easter dresses were adorable, but I missed getting a picture before they changed into play clothes for lunch. Afterward, they all hunted Easter eggs in our backyard even with the cold weather. After everyone left, Grandma & Grandpa Ginder and Aunt Erica came over and brought gifts, including clothing for the Bean, a froggy sippy cup, a frog in a tire swing, chocolate candy (for us), and all sorts of neato-burrito stuff (thanks so much!). They also brought hot chai for me & an ice-cold a java chip lite for Shawn (our favorite drinks) with them. It was nice to see them before they went home. Joshua had a bit of a belly ache when they were here, and napped immediately after they left. Poor little cranky guy hadn't been feeling good all day!

He's been much better today so far. These days he is personality plus. You know exactly when he's feeling good and bad. He's been all giggles this morning. Everything I say is a hoot to him today. I think he got everything out yesterday that was making him feel bad, so we're just enjoying each other's company today. Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!


Julie Garner said...

Well, you looked gorgeous...pre-puke!

Glad you had a good Easter. We did too!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Awww. poor Joshua...actually poor Val! To be thrown up all over in are right, it is pretty comical. You will get many laughs out of that one!

Anonymous said...

The three of you look great. I love the dress! It was wonderful to see you on Saturday--you are like a breath of fresh air and I love that we never miss a beat. Joshua is so adorable. I'll send you the pictures that you took of him and me. I'm glad you had a nice Easter. Can't wait to see you again!
Love, Suz