Monday, January 23, 2012

Mid-Month the First Month of the New Year

The second week of 2012, I had an annoying cold. I remembered hearing a pediatrician tell me once that if you have a cold go out into the frigid cold air and it will kill the germs. I decided to give it a try. I went for a jog in the 30 degree weather, and it was heavenly. It opened up my sinuses (probably the running part) and I felt great. I was tired but it was good. I realized that if it's sunny out (no can run in the dark), I can jog even in frigid temperatures if I have gloves and something covering my ears.
When I told my sister Becky that I wasn't sure I was going to our niece's birthday party because I had had a cold and didn't want to pass around the germs, she offered to take the older two boys for me, which I thought was super nice. They had fun! Aunt Jen sent some chocolate cake with strawberries back with her, and it was yummy! :) :) :)
 This post will be filled with a little of this and a little of that randomness from the second-third weeks of January. While I was taking pictures of Joshua for his 'birthday' on the 18th, Caleb wanted some of him as well. So, I also got some of Ryan who was sitting there with us. :)
Monday, January 16, was Martin Luther King , Jr. Day. I tried explaining the very basics to the boys as we were doing laundry together. I said a long time ago, there were people who weren't very nice to each other. They treated people who looked differently than they did unkindly. MLK Jr was a man who said "I have a dream" that some day we will all be nice to each other, no matter how we look. We are all people and we should all be kind, just like God tells us to love our neighbors. Joshua was interested in the story; Caleb seemed to care less. I told the Bean about when he was Ryan's age and I was talking to him while changing his diaper and how he squealed with delight when I told him about civil rights. Haaaa!!! I still remember. And Joshua loved the story about himself much more than the one about this holiday.
Tuesday was Study & Share, and little Ry-guy was unhappy in the nursery. By the time they called me out and I walked back there, he had fallen asleep. But, I felt terribly guilty that he had been crying so much. Poor little one!
That day I had a migraine, and I only realized it AFTER I got sick. Poor the mama! Poor Daddy, who takes care of me and the boys when he gets home from work and I'm sick.
My little Caleb Luke is liking his preschool class more these days. He's even started going to the library like his big brother and taking out a book. I'm glad he's enjoying himself more. I think he's being challenged more, and he's made a buddy named Jason Good. Of all last names! :) :) :)
That same Wednesday, January 18, Shawn stayed home from work. He had gotten my cold, and he was miserable. Poor Daddy! Since the boys were gone all morning at preschool, he could rest. When Ryan napped, I worked out, and Daddy had some time to sleep and recover.
Mamaw called that day and asked about having Joshua come play Wii at her house while Ken was away. I said sure, and asked if Caleb could go too. She said yes, so the boys went to her house to play Wii. While they were there, Shawn & I went out to eat at the Olive Garden and ordered soup. It was heavenly! It's more expensive to eat soup at a restaurant than home, but their soup is really good and it's cheaper ordering soup than big meals that we don't want the calories from. With Shawn's cold, soup was perfect! And we love having time out to ourselves. The only issue was that Shawn with his cold could barely hear. He said "I feel like you tonight, asking what." Haaa!!! SO true!
The above is a craft Caleb made at preschool. I LOVE the polar bear with his shaving cream face. Isn't it adorable?

Thursday I cleaned the house in hopes of getting rid of all the germs and sickness - the bleach was out and I scrubbed everything top to bottom. The next day my friend Karisten and her three kiddos came over for a play date. The boys enjoy playing with Kyler and Sophi, and she held little tiny one-month old Ethan in her arms. We talked about lack of sleep and when babies start being "fun." I am SO glad Ryan's in his current stage. He has tons of personality, sits up on his own, and yet he is sleeping most nights and still that cuddly innocent baby. Sweetness!

That afternoon, I realized that my Schnook is starting to scoot places. He's not crawling and he's not fast, but he can grab at things and slide over toward them to get a better handle on them. I love this stage! :) :) :)

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