Monday, January 23, 2012

A Dino-tale of a Roaring Breakfast

Every once in awhile I'll see a friend on facebook post a picture of a freehand pancake masterpiece - from trains to all sorts of cool things, I'm impressed by the creativity and artistic ability to make fun pancake shapes. I'm not that artistic to do something freehand, but I thought about the dinosaur cookies we made for Christmas. Could they be used for pancakes, I wondered? I thought maybe the biggest one would work, so I asked Mom if we could borrow them again.
Yesterday morning, I made my batter and then poured it into the shapes, which I had sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. After a few trial and errors, my husband determined the best method for this activity. Simply use your  spatula to flip the entire shape once the batter has bubbled up. After both sides are cooked, remove the entire thing and let it cool a little, removing the shape with a toothpick (since the cookie cutters get HOT!). I found out from Mom later that actual pancake-shape maker-things are sold in stores, with a wooden handle. Now we know!

The boys still thought they were super cute and were excited to eat their dino-breakfast!
Caleb didn't even want any syrup on his. Joshua ate a big one and two little ones, as did his younger brother. We also served bacon with them. Yum!

Shawn & I ate plain ol' round pancakes to save time. I love my husband, but he is NOT a morning person. :) :) :) After we cleaned up breakfast, we went out to play in the snow (which I will post about separately). When the boys came in, do you know what they wanted for lunch? If you answered "dinosaur pancakes" you'd be wrong. They asked for...CEREAL! Because they had missed it for breakfast. Oh well. It was still something fun and different, and they do enjoy pancakes and dinosaurs and all sorts of other fun.
The boys & I read their library books every day this week. One of them is "Dinosailors" by Deb Lund. It is the cutest rhyming book about dinosaurs who take to the boating life:
"Dinosailors choose a course,
Raise anchor using dinoforce.
They haul on lines, hoist dinosails,
And scale the rigging with their tails."
It's cute tale about how they then hit a squall, get sick, and decide to sell the boat and ride a dinosaur train. Adorable!
Joshua has another one that is a "Bat Jamboree" about how the houselights go down (the sun) and the spotlight comes up (the moon) as the bat jamboree takes place on an old outdoor movie theater screen. It's a counting book of rhymes that ends with the bat lady singing. Haaa!!! He enjoys it. The last one was Caleb's called a Barnyard hullabaloo. Joshua is helping me read it, as it rhymes and the pictures help describe what the words are saying. They love that the farmer's sheepdog ends up sleeping in his bed at the end of the story. They laugh and say "But dogs don't belong in beds!" I couldn't agree more! But I know many pet owners who would correct them. :) :) :) Oh, I love reading to my silly boys. And I love Saturday mornings where we get to enjoy big breakfasts as a family. I thought it turned out DINOMITE! :)

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