Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cat's Out of the Bag...Or Thinking Outside the Box?

We just heard the official word from Manheim Township that they are NOT going to offer full-day kindergarten this year. I'm thrilled! While Joshua may be ready to be gone a full day, I'm not! Plus, there are many days that he still ends up napping in the afternoons during his quiet reading time. This year should be a good transition into school, going every single day but only half days. While some parents are not excited that this was the final decision this year, I'm ecstatic! I keep praying that Joshua will do well, make friends, enjoy school and learn lots. I'm so nervous to send him off into the big, dark world. Please pray that God would keep Him safe and in His arms!
We had a delivery the other night when the boys got their "tangled" hair out of (the packing paper). They also used this box a variety of ways. The first night, they climbed in and hid. Then they'd pop out of the box to surprise us. Before I realized what they were doing, I really wondered where Joshua was as I was cleaning up dinner. Haaa!!!
Then, Friday night we used it as our indoor goal to play with our mini soccer ball. Joshua put on his whistle and played "coach." Boxes can be a ton of fun!
I love that my kids can think outside the box and create new uses for plain old items. :)

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