Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Terrible Tuesday Turned into a Winning Wednesday!

When thinking about titles for this post, the "Facts of Life" song came to mind - You Take the Good, You Take the Bad, You Take them Both & There You Have the Facts of Life!

Last Tuesday was a terrible day. Have you ever had "one of those days?" Anything that could go wrong did. We were running late to Bible study. Ryan got fussy while we were there and they called me out, right as the video was about to start. :( I missed the most important part (although, my kiddos are truly the most important part of my life.) Anyway, the woman who I had never even seen before growled at me for not having socks on him (and his feet were plenty warm - that was not the issue!). She proceeded to scold me for having my loud baby in the room when I was trying to ask her where I could take him to calm him down and try to feed him. She didn't understand I didn't normally go to that church and didn't realize that the nursing mothers' rooms were across the hallway. She just kept telling me to GO! And not very politely, I might add.

I found the rooms eventually, and after I got him more calm, I went and got my stuff and left. After getting home, I got a couple emails with bad news. Nothing significant, but nothing positive either. I had a headache and wasn't feeling great. I was supposed to get my hair done that night, but I had told Shawn I'd give him time to get some things done that he needed to do, so I canceled it. There was just nothing going right. Rather than dwelling on it, I'll just say that I was super glad when the day was over! I don't need another day like that any time soon!

Moving on, the craft in these pictures was a tea pot that Joshua made me in preschool. It had a little bag of tea on the inside. It was really cute and sweet for not being mother's day. But, it had so much glue on it that it got all over my front seat. DOH! I still thought it was a nice idea.

Caleb has also been making crafts during his time at Study & Share. Here are a couple that he's done recently - one is about Adam & Eve and the next is about Noah and the Ark. I love that he's having a great time learning while I'm at Bible study!

For as terrible as Tuesday was, Wednesday was that much better! I got up early and had a relaxing hot shower. With three little guys, sometimes even getting time to take a nice hot shower is a simple blessing! Then while the older two boys were at preschool, I met Maria from Water Street at Panera Bread to talk about marketing and communications, along with all the various ministries and what's happening there. It was interesting, and I'm so glad to be able to volunteer in this capacity! I had an amazing hot chai and bagel for breakfast, and Ryan slept the entire morning as we met. It was fun to be out and using my gifts to serve God and others in this way. I also think Maria is very sweet. When we were about to leave, she gave me a gift of two little outfits for baby Ryan. I was sincerely blessed!

I left and headed straight back to preschool to pick up my little loves, who told me all about their days. It was also Aunt Jen's birthday that morning, and I saw her as I was leaving. When we got home, I had a call from Mamaw that she had driven the entire way up to Harrisburg to grab a chicken costume for Joshua so he'd have something to wear for his preschool farm party. I was sincerely blessed and so thankful that he didn't have to go without anything to wear! She also had a little gift for me. It was GREAT! Thank you!!!

Joshua tried to take a picture of me and Ryan in his new little outfit, and this is how it turned out (below). One way to lose 10 lbs of ugly fat is to cut off your head, right? Haaa!!!

Wednesday was also a productive day. I had some phone calls to make about insurance questions and getting my vehicle into the garage, etc. and I got all that accomplished that afternoon. We played outside some and just had a nice day all around. I was extra thankful for it as my previous day had been horrendous! I also forgot to mention that a week or so ago, I got an email from WJTL saying I was a winner. I didn't even know I entered anything, but I received a book in the mail. :)

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