Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Soccer Mom

Sunday, October 16, was a beautiful day. In the morning, I took the boys to church by myself. It was quite the feat with the steps (so no stroller) and only two hands to three boys. But, it worked out just fine. The boys were extremely well behaved for me, and I gave them cheese curls when we got home. :)

While they napped, I did some grocery shopping, if I'm recalling correctly. Out of all the "chores" that are required of a parent, this is my most hated. I don't know why, but I detest grocery shopping. Typically Shawn doesn't even want me to go because he gets the best deals. I realized on this particular trip how expensive everything has gotten. And I'm also not familiar with what is a good price or not. So, I stuck to my list for the most part, which Shawn & I had worked out together based on the sale flyer.

Later that afternoon, I went for a run. Joshua was awake but the other two were still napping and Shawn said to go for it. It was GORGEOUS outside - the most perfect fall day. I told Shawn that I MUST let the boys play outside. He suggested leaving Ryan inside in the pack 'n play so I could focus attention on the older two, promising to holler for me if Ryan needed me. It was perfect! The boys had a blast playing soccer and asked me to play goalie. I'm used to taking turns doing everything but being goalie was FUN! I would kick their balls to the other side of the yard, making sure they were doing lots of running and getting their wiggles out. They would laugh at my silliness in saying "get out of here ball" like we always do, only this time Joshua made up more "noises" to kick the ball with that I thought were hysterical and used them as well.

Every once in awhile, I'd let them get a ball in the goal to keep it challenging for them, and I must admit that every once in awhile they would score a goal without my being able to block it. I think ages 3 and 5 are about my skill level - haa!!! If they get much better, I may not be able to keep up. Joshua would say "this time, pay attention to Caleb's ball" so that he could score. I would laugh. They ran and ran and ran. They each had their own ball, and they were doing a great job with dribbling it. Every time Caleb would try to pick his up to reposition it, he'd say "no hands" before handling the ball. Again, this made me laugh. He knew better and was cheating anyway!

We had SO much fun outside! Later when I asked the boys their favorite part of the day later, they both agreed it was our soccer time. Joshua even told me that I was "the best soccer goalie EVER!" So sweet!

It was starting to get dark when our neighbor Paul came over to ask about Shawn's crutches and if he was okay. I explained that he had surgery, etc and the boys cleaned up the goal and went inside awhile. The next evening after work, Paul came over and mowed our grass for us, even after it got dark (it's definitely getting dark SO early now!). We were so blessed. They are fantastic neighbors! Caleb & I made a batch of brownies and took them over to say thank you along with a card. Paul mowed again the following weekend while he was doing his yard - I didn't ask him to, but he did this kind deed on his own. I am grateful! I don't mind mowing, but it's been rough finding the right time when all boys are napping (which rarely happens).  I am so glad to live in such a nice neighborhood!

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