Sunday, November 30, 2008

Leaf Me Play, Please!

On Saturday, we continued to work around the house. The list is never ending! We raked and raked and raked and picked up leaves. Joshua actually helped (Caleb napped). Shawn did a majority of the work. He is such a worker!
We also went to church last night. We were supposed to meet another couple from our small group, Don & Melanie, to sit together and then go to their house afterward to eat dinner. But she called to say that Don got a nasty cold (there is a lot going around!) so we rescheduled for Wednesday night. We thought we may meet up with Angel & Becca to sit together (she always works afterward - she's an ultrasound tech who works the graveyard shift on weekends), but Becca called to say that their daughter Alayna has a cold so they were staying home. Shawn & I decided we were all going no matter what, and then we ended up running into John & Angie, yet another couple from our small group, and so we sat with them. Caleb made it through the end of the speaking until he started getting fussy since it was time for his dinner. I was paged out right as they were starting to take offering - but without thinking when we were sitting down, I sat in the very middle of the row and we were toward the front of the sanctuary. So, I all but had to body surf out to go get the baby.
Since the service was over, I decided to pack him up and feed him at home rather than make Shawn & Joshua wait the half hour while I fed him in the nursery. But, I guess after the speaking they played more music. So, we were waiting with Caleb fussing in his car seat. So, I ventured down the stairs with the heavy car seat in tow (not a big deal until you factor in my high heels), and I picked up the Bean from his class. Once again I had all sorts of artwork in my hand, the diaper bag, Caleb & the car seat, and Joshua. Only this time the Bean was an angel. As Joshua & I were holding hands up the stairs, he started to pull away...I asked him what was up and he SHOUTED "Poop!" (grunting) "Poop-poop!" I could have died...there was a woman walking up the stairs behind him, and all the sudden the STINK came. Great timing, son! We caught up with Shawn and eventually got to the car and got things taken care of.
After we made it home and all ate dinner, I bathed both kids and got them in their jammies. Then we started watching a movie on our new TV - a story in and of itself - but I couldn't keep my eyes open again. We've been working hard around our house, coupled with caring for kiddos - I just didn't have any energy left. So, it was off to bed for us. After all, it's been after 10 pm each night til we even think about starting to sit down to do something quiet like that. And, at that time the 'quiet' activity that sounds best is snoring!!!

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