Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He gently leads those who have young...

Isaiah 40:11
He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.

Today I read Isaiah 40 when I woke up. I found this gem inside the chapter - "he gently leads those that have young..." Praise God! He is so gentle with us and leads us, and I especially appreciate his leading as I'm raising children. God is so good and so faithful and tells us what we need to hear when we need to hear it! Need an online Bible? Go to - you can look up specific passages or key words...take time to soak up God's good news today!Today we went to JCPenney's to get pictures of Caleb taken. I also got a cute one of the two boys together - I can't wait to get them! We were there FOREVER, though...they were soooooo sloooowwwww!!! Afterward, we met Daddy for lunch. When we dropped him back off at work, Joshua said, "Bye-bye, Daddy! I miss you!" It was so sweet!

Joshua is talking in more complete sentences and impresses me everyday with his knowledge. He knows his shapes and a few of his colors (orange, purple and black so far). Last night he was spinning in circles and then saying "I fall down, go BOON!" (with an 'n' instead of an 'm'). He's been doing well with saying "please" for things, too, which is so sweet. The other day he said " I sorry, Caleb Luke!" And, he's also said, "It's okay, Caleb Luke." He repeats everything we say, and he's such a sponge! I LOVE this age!

Caleb has been squealing's soft and sweet and so fun to hear! I love the noises he makes. He is such a sweet little guy. He's been sleeping through the night like a champ and last night we weighed him before his bath - 15 lbs! I thought it looked like he was losing weight, and I was afraid. But, I think he's doing okay. We'll find out for sure on 11/11 at the pediatrician's office. Caleb loves to watch his brother. They are close already, which blesses my heart. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Caleb is really growing up from the last time we saw he - he seems to be doing so much more which is a good think - do blink because before you know it they are grown. Have a great day!