Monday, November 17, 2008

Mmmm Mmmm Good!

Caleb tried rice cereal for the first time Friday night. He got into the high chair with all smiles as I was making ham & sweet corn chowder for the rest of the fam...He wasn't too sure about the first bite... Look at this cute little face! I fed him again last night, and I forgot how long it takes to feed drippy rice cereal to a smiling baby. He was having a blast, holding onto my sleeve, trying to steal the spoon until we got him another one, dropping the fake spoon and putting his hand to his mouth - a total mess, getting another spoon and promptly putting that into his little mouth so I couldn't get the spoon of real food in. I think before I may have been annoyed at the procession, but I realize that they grow all too quickly and it was kind of funny. It's not like he knows any better!Each time I would feed him a bite, he would promptly spit it right back out, which I guess is somewhat normal. He did eat quite a bit last night (compared to barely anything on Friday). But, each time he would pause to grin at me, his Daddy, or his brother, rice cereal would drool down the sides of his mouth onto his chin. I wiped his face clean with a wet paper towel, only to smear it up to his eye brows. Yes, these are messy times, but fun times that don't last long enough! My sweet boys are growing so big! I can't believe how well Caleb can sit up (in the high chair), and I truly feel like I just brought him home with us from the hospital.
Enjoy the messy-baby moments! Great job on eating, Caleb Luke!

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