Monday, November 17, 2008


I realize I never posted about our MOPS playdate last week! So, here goes... we've been talking at MOPS about having a playdate for some time. I offered to have everyone at our house because we weren't sure what, when, where or how, and I've been feeling like we need to open our home up more to be a blessing to others. Being brutally honest, there are times that I feel like our house isn't nice enough to have people over and then there are times that I don't want our things to get destroyed. Both are absolutely ridiculous sine we love people in general and we love our house - it's no mansion but it's perfect for us. And, honestly, I'm most comfortable at houses that aren't extraordinarily fancy because I feel like I can be myself - and I'm not there to see or be impressed by the home. Again, people are what matter! The greatest commandments? Love God first and above all and then love others!So, we set the date for Wednesday, November 12, for a moring gathering of sorts. Poor Joshua was starting to get a runny nose, but I told the other moms who didn't seem to mind. That night, though, is when I started to feel somewhat yucky and I felt bad that we may have spread our germs. I haven't heard from anyone else, though, that they feel sick. After I offered to have everyone here, I counted all the "possible" people and children and realized that with kids, our group could have 23! Wow! So, I thought maybe we should try some pudding painting or something constructive so it wasn't chaos. It ended up that only three other moms could make it, though, which ended up being a nice size group with kids and all. Anyway, first to arrive was Becca and Alayna (pictured above). Next arrived Margie, who doesn't live far from us, and her adorable son Henry (both pictured below).
Later, Renee arrived with her two kids, Nathan and Lila/Laila (sp?). As you can see from the pictures below, they were the best at the finger painting with pudding. This little gal LOVED to put her hands in the bowl and paint her paper. It was absolutely adorable! And funny! She even started licking the bowl!Nathan, who's a couple years older than Joshua, loved his toys, especially the baseball ones. Joshua fell apart that morning at first as children started playing with his toys, but I gave him a little time to cool off and regroup in his bedroom, and I was astounded at how well it worked. He came back down in ten minutes a brand new kid. And, I think he enjoyed playing then. Little did I know that he was getting a severe cold - and not that I like to make excuses - but it is hard to be sweet and nice and self-controlled when you're not feeling well.
I didn't snap too many pictures that morning. We were too busy watching all the kids play and chatting and snacking! It was a fun time and we were exhausted afterward. :)Thanks for coming, friends! We'll see you tomorrow at MOPS, hopefully!

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