Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Thanksgiving Day was a flurry of activity for us. We had my family over for lunch - here is a picture of the cousins, starting from left to right, it's Faith, Daniel, Emma, Joshua, Grace and Caleb. Everything went well, I thought, except for Mike slicing off his thumb (or nearly slicing off his entire thumb). He thought the turkey was slipping off the counter as he was cutting it, but instead it was the knife falling. He reached out to grab it as it was decending and it sliced right through, blood literally gushing everywhere. I have never seen so much blood - all over the cupboards, literally all over my kitchen floor, on my fridge, on my dishwasher, in the sink, and even on mom's pants. He refused to go to the hospital, but I told them over and over again that I thought he should. We got him some gauze and antibiotic ointment and cleaned everything up. He was pale as a ghost. Hopefully it heals well!
Joshua was starving until we got up to the table, ate a little applesauce and then decided he wanted down. I'm starting to recognize that big crowds are overwhelming to him. I see that he gets so excited by everyone being there and yet I think it's a little much for him to process yet. It was also past his typical nap time, so he opted for his bed rather than more lunch. Joshua barely ate anything at either meal. But, I know he'll eat when he's hungry. I had a dream last night, though, that his legs looked like twigs that were about to snap and I was bawling to Shawn about it...then woke up to Joshua telling us "Good Morning!!!" I know I must not worry...God loves our Bean and will guide us in how to take care of him.
Unfortunately, I also wasn't thinking that the rest of my family didn't have anywhere else they needed to go that evening (Becky's in-laws were traveling, and Jen's in-laws had gotten together a week or two before for Thanksgiving). So, they were hoping to stay and play games and we had promised to go to Nonie & Poppy's. I told everyone they were welcome to stay even though we had to go, but all declined and parted ways (Jen's kids also needed a nap, Mom was leaving before the crack of dawn to head to Myrtle Beach, and it wouldn't make much sense for Becky & Tim to hang out by themselves at our house...ha!).

So, after we cleaned up and everyone left, we packed up the kids and headed to Berks County for another scrumptious feast. (Can't figure out why I gained two pounds in only a few days? Ugh!) At both meals, we went around the table saying what we were thankful for. Last year Shawn announced little Caleb was coming at my family's event when we did that. This year, he said "I'm thankful when God takes one home, he brings two more to add to the family" meaning Caleb and Jen's new baby. However, it sounded like he was making a different kind of announcement that made us all (including me!) gasp. We were all thankful for our dear family, friends, our many financial blessings, and God's grace in our lives.
I really enjoyed hanging out at Mike & Bonnie's and talking to Bonnie's sister Linda about raising boys. Joshua & Jordon played and played and played. They both were having a great time! So, Joshua spent the night, and Jordon came over the next morning to play some more. Shawn & I left there after 8 pm and headed home to feed Caleb and put him to bed. Then, we started browsing the ads for Black Friday but soon I couldn't keep my eyes open. I drifted off to sleep as Shawn continued to shop...

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