Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy 26-month birthday, the Bean!

Joshua is so much fun these days! Literally almost every night before turning out the lights, Shawn & I share with each other what Joshua said that was the funniest to us. We laugh and laugh - he brings us so much sunshine!
Today he woke up from his nap and said, "Hi, Bean!" then I heard more talking (to himself) and a prompt "Uh-oh!" I knew it couldn't be good - I told him it was okay to come on out. He immediately ran for his "Clifford-Foof-Foof Book" and asked me to read it to him and rock. He loves to lift up the flaps, but his memory is too good - he knows where Clifford is on every page and no longer lifts the millions of other options where he's not.My favorite thing that he's saying these days is "WOW! What's this?" He says that at least 10 times an hour as he's discovering new things and building his vocabulary, which gets better by the day. I'm surprised by things that he knows already! Today he cracked me up when he said, "Oh, man!" when a toy fell. He sounded just like me! He also told me that he was being "careful!" before I said it when he was at the top of the stairs. Each day, I giggle at his personality coming through.He loves to play with Caleb and puts his face near Caleb's hands so that his brother will grab his cheek or nose and then he laughs and says "that's silly!" Joshua also loves to turn the pages in his books by himself when I'm not available to read to him, and he LOVES to color. He also insists on every boo-boo getting a kiss to be "all better," even if they're our boo-boo's.He still loves to cuddle occasionally, too, but not as much as he once did. He also loves to say "JUMP!" but still can't seem to get both feet off the ground at the same time. My favorite thing he does is sings. Last night in the Wal-mart parking lot, he sang me the entire "How much is that doggie in the window" song. I think he'll be a hoot at Christmas! I was trying to work with him to say "We wish you a Merry Christmas!"This morning at MOPS, he went right through the little door to play with no tears. He was also FANTASTIC the whole way out. So, I was relieved that I didn't have to relive our earlier experience. :) I think he thinks through things more now. I can see some shread of logic between his actions, and he understands more when we explain things to him. I also will guess at some of the things he's saying that I don't fully comprehend, and if I don't get it right, he'll shake his head and proclaim "NO!" He's also learned the concept of "mine." And, at night, he now likes to be under the covers and asks us to pull up his "colors" as we tuck him in. He must have his beloved blankey, his washable t-bear (thanks, Ma-maw!) and the "colors" to be fully comfortable. He now says "night-night, t-bear, (kisses it) I'll see you in the morning!" So sweet!
Joshua also says "I love you" which melts my heart. I don't know if he understands it yet or not, but I think so. He does say it repeating us.Joshua's curioisity is also getting bigger by the day, which I know is normal but it also can drive me crazy-go-nuts! He is now getting into everything, and things that were once high out of his reach are now within reach. So, it's often that we hear "Woa - what's this?" and he's got something he shouldn't have. He digs through drawers and doors and throws things around after careful examination. He is a sponge, and I know this is his way of learning about the world. But, I feel like he once again needs constant supervision whereas for awhile I didn't think he was getting into much anymore. Oh, was I wrong! He is testing our boundaries daily to make sure that things are still not okay and that we'll follow through when we say we'll give him a spanking or a time out. Some days I'm completely exhausted til the end of the day (like today). Most days, though, I wouldn't trade my job for all the tea in China. Joshua is so precious! And so is his brother! I love my boys. Happy 26-month birthday, Bean!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your Joshua stories...I have to laugh though sometimes...was it you that called me Jeannie Beannie in HS? or was it Jean Bean.. LOL....Im glad that things are going great for you and your family.