Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hurray for the Red, White & Blue

Mamaw & Papaw from Florida came into town Memorial Day weekend. Papaw had business meetings up this way, but shortly after the boys woke up from their naps on Friday afternoon, they had visitors! They were extremely excited, of course. When Shawn came home, we ate dinner at Hot Z and then came home to play for a little while before our company left to get settled into their bed & breakfast.

Saturday after nap time, we headed over their way and picked them up and then headed to Dutchway Restaurant in Gap for supper. I had never been there before, but the food was delicious... too delicious! I think we all ate a ton! Joshua ate his entire hot dog, macaroni & cheese, applesauce and items from our trips to the salad bar like strawberries & croutons. Caleb LOVED the specialty breads they had and ate quite a bit of food. We enjoyed the food and the company... and even the service (a relative of Shawn's was our waitress that night). We left and dropped off the boys to spend the night with their grandparents. I was having contractions, but nothing timed out where I felt even remotely close to calling the doctor's office. I was hoping maybe the baby would make his debut that weekend so he could meet his grandparents, but no such luck! In the meantime, our boys went to Paradise Park and played in the beautiful weather.
The boys were dropped back off at our house first thing Sunday morning while Mamaw & Papaw visited with other folks. That night, I called Miranda to see if she'd be willing to watch the boys while Shawn & I had one last date before baby. She agreed to the last minute plans, so we made pizza for them and Shawn & I went to TJ Rockwell's for the outdoor dining experience. We'd never been there before, but we highly enjoyed the GORGEOUS temperatures and being together. With a newborn, we know it will be awhile until we get some alone time together again. So, we enjoyed it. The boys had a good time with Miranda as well.
Monday morning was Memorial Day. We met Mamaw & Papaw for breakfast at Bird-in-Hand Family Restaurant and then they came back to our house for a little while. For lunch, we dined on fresh watermelon that Mamaw & I picked up from Stauffer's. We even parked in the "expecting mothers" spot! They also bought each boy a fly swatter since we had one buzzing around our house that day. Later that evening we we went to a picnic that they organized last-minute with Aunt Missy for Memorial Day. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins on the playground. It was huffin' hot that day, though! Whew! We were all sweating buckets!
The kids got a little treat from Papaw, which were donuts with red, white & blue sprinkles. You can tell in the above pictures that they highly enjoyed them. Mamaw & Papaw also blessed us with some gifts for baby - thanks so much! I told our youngest son that his other brothers wouldn't have missed spending time with their grandparents, but he did by staying put. Such is life! They left the next morning to head back down to Florida. It was a fun Memorial Day weekend. :)

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