Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Silly Boys

Last weekend, we happened to drive by a development yard sale, so we decided to stop. The place was packed and we didn't see anything great, but Daddy let the boys pick out one toy from a 10 cent bin. Joshua picked out the Incredible Hulk while Caleb picked a race car. Joshua said, "Look! This is a MEAN, GREEN PHILISTINE!" I laughed and laughed. He loves the story of David & Goliath. Daddy said this wasn't Goliath but instead his name was the Hulk. He's still a Philistine to us, though. :) As Joshua was attacking Caleb with his Philistine, we reminded him that the Israelites were God's chosen people who prevailed (so the Philistine would be thrown away if he attacked anyone). My little guy cracks me up!

I was also trying to teach the boys about the Ten Commandments. Specifically in Deuteronomy after the Ten Commandments are read to the people once again, the Lord says to talk about them with your children when you wake up, when you lie down, as you walk on the road (and basically anytime the opportunity presents itself). I thought "they might be a little young, but why not try?" For each one, I tried to explain what it means. Don't lie but always tell the truth, don't steal or take things that aren't yours, don't covet - 'you get what you get and you don't get upset!' - keep Sundays as a day for church and not a day for working, show God respect and worship Him only, don't bow down to anything or anyone other than God, don't commit adultery (so mommies and daddies only love each other and not other mommies and daddies)... I kept going, but I couldn't think of the last one. What was I forgetting? We counted them, and we realized one was missing. I said we'd look it up when we got home from our walk. And when I did, I laughed and laughed. I forgot the one that would make the most sense to teach kids - HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER! Haaaa!!! Silly mama!
The other day, I started out feeling grumpy. I noticed I was growling more at the kids, even for stupid things like accidentally spilling an entire cup of milk everywhere. I knew it was an accident, and yet I was upset that the kiddos weren't being more careful. Anyway, I knew I needed to adjust my attitude and start over. I asked both boys for forgiveness and said that I was going to start again happy instead of cross. They both agreed that it was a good plan. Then I reminded them (and myself) that "this is the day the Lord has made; we will REJOICE and BE GLAD in it!" Joshua looked at me and said "When will it stop being the day the Lord has made? Isn't that day over already?" I giggled.

Caleb has said some silly things, too, and I wish I was better at writing them all down. Oh, how my silly boys make me laugh! I do remember one recent one. The week before Memorial Day, Daddy had mowed the grass. Caleb asked to go along to the compost dump, and Shawn agreed to let him ride along as he dropped off our trimmings there (love this feature of Manheim Township!). On the way back through, the sky started to get BLACK as a huge thunderstorm was moving in. Shawn pointed to the sky, and the boys noticed how dark it was getting. Then a strong gust of wind all but knocked Caleb over as Shawn got both boys in just as it started to POUR! The following week, I told my hubby that I was low on gas. He asked the boys if they'd like to ride along to get gas and go for ice cream. Caleb said, "Yes, we'll go to the 'grass' station; but then watch out, it's going to RRRRAAAIIN!!!" Haaaa!!! He had gas station and grass station mixed up. There was no rain in site, but the storm that night left a big impression on him. Oh, my goofy good boy!

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