Friday, May 20, 2011

A Birthday Play Date

Thursday, May 12, was Daddy's special birthday. Joshua was SO excited to tell everyone that his Daddy was getting a birthday. But, Daddy had a busy day at work planned, and my friend Valerie invited us over to her house for a play date. I hadn't seen her in almost a year since I stopped going to MOPS and started going to the Bible study at Calvary. It was very sweet of her to invite us over. Her house was lovely, and she made us lunch, including grapes, yogurt and peanut butter toast. I took along cookies for dessert. Then we played outside.
Valerie's son Ethan will turn five this July, Alayna just turned three and Everett is approximately six months old. So, each of her kids are just slightly older than mine. I found her birthing story of this last one interesting since she chose to do a home birth. I simply can't imagine! But, then again, I had severe complications with Joshua, so it was never an option. The kiddos had fun swinging from swings they had hooked up to their tree, playing in their sandbox, playing in their tent and playing 'construction' in their mulch with shovels, buckets, dump trucks and more! The boys were sad when it was time to go, but I wanted Joshua to nap before his preschool graduation that night.
Thanks again for inviting us over! We had a great time!

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