Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Last Week of April

When I don't keep up with the blog, I find that I miss putting on some of the cute stories from the boys. But, lately it's been sore on my right side and back to sit at the computer for too long so I'll post things here or there when I can. The last week of April, the Bean stayed home from preschool as I mentioned before. He missed Spring Fling, but we felt that it was the wisest decision. I can't remember what all we did. I do know that we met Aunt Missy & Aunt Erica for dinner Wednesday night at Red Robin, which was our first experience there. The food was good, and we enjoyed the company as well.
On Thursday night, Mamaw & Aunt Erica had invited the boys to spend the night again. They asked us to come to their apartment for dinner, so we went and they surprised me with deviled eggs! I love Shawn's mom's deviled eggs, and it was a nice treat! We also thought the BBQ was heavenly. While we were there, the boys played "hide 'n seek." Can you tell where Caleb is hiding in the picture above? Haaa!!!!
In this picture, Caleb is "hiding" on the day bed, and Joshua was in his favorite spot to hide, underneath the bed. We laughed and laughed at their silliness. Aunt Missy & Uncle Kevin were there, too, that evening.
Since the boys stayed there, we were looking forward to getting a good night's sleep. But, I woke up and my side really, really hurt. I looked it up online, and it sounds pretty common for pregnancy. Sometimes the baby can actually move your rib cage, and it sounds like it's mostly on the right side. The descriptions and other comments on all the pages I found sounded like exactly what I was feeling. The ideas for relief included yoga, chiropractors, pain medication, and dealing with it until the baby arrives. I chose the final one. I'm not against yoga and have a DVD to do, but I'm not going to let a chiropractor fool around with my body/baby at this point in my pregnancy. And I don't take pain medication if I can at all help it. So, it is what it is. I couldn't get back to sleep with how sore I was, so I turned on the TV. The only thing playing was the Royal Wedding. I saw the exchange of vows and then turned it off to head back to bed. I think weddings are great when you know the people and can celebrate their love with them. But I don't know these people whatsoever, so I really didn't care all that much.
The following morning (Friday, April 29), I called my mom to see if she'd like to join me in heading to Market. She said sure. So, this little piggy went to market, and I bought some canteloupe, watermelon, fresh bread, green beans and some red leaf raspberry tea to brew. We left and parted ways. She was heading back toward my house to watch my nieces run a little race for their school, and I was heading to meet Erica & Mamaw along with my boys at Friendly's for lunch. Caleb told me three times he had to go potty there. He didn't have his big success, though, until we got home (I'm not sure he can relax enough yet to go in public restrooms). But, at least he held it! Lunch was scrumptious (thanks so much!), and the boys loved the balloons they got. I took them and all my goodies home afterward. We had had a fun morning!

We saw Mamaw & Erica again the following day at V&S sandwich shop for cheese steaks. Mmmmm. They rode with us in the minivan over that way, and they brought back fresh homemade donuts from the Amish folks where they used to camp. They were heavenly! Shawn & Erica went to Starbucks then while Mamaw & I visited. The following day, Shawn & the boys went to East Lampeter Park to meet the rest of the family for lunch for the last day the gals would be in town (he's pictured above with his siblings and mom). I didn't go along because I was meeting my friend Suz, who was in town from NJ, for lunch. I had a great time at Isaac's catching up, and we went for a short walk afterward at Greenfield since it was a lovely day.

When I got home, Shawn was waking Joshua up to go up to the final Easter gathering at Nonie & Poppy's house. But, I felt Joshua's forehead and he felt HOT! I took his temperature, and it registered at 102.8 degrees. Shawn said that he had wilted at the park while they were there, so they had come home early for naps. He was definitely not feeling well. Caleb had gotten a cold the Friday before (chances are he picked it up at the pediatrician's office while we were there, even though they didn't touch anything and I sanitized their hands before we left and after we got home). So, I kept both boys home with me (not wanting to get any of the other kids sick) and Shawn went to his family event with the dessert I had made. He came home with food for me, but he forgot my container and the boys' Easter bags. Uncle Brian & Aunt Gayle brought the Easter bags back with them, and I took a drive to Sheetz to go get them. The boys loved playing with the little garages that were in their bags (thanks so much!). Thus ended April and the first day of May...

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