Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 56-month birthday, Bean!

Joshua turned 56-months old on Wednesday, May 18. One new thing for him is that he's now graduated to the back of the minivan. We held a special 'ceremony' of sorts this weekend to show him all the 'cool' things that go along with being in the back, including a small compartment for toys that's all his own, his ability to reach his own vent to turn it on or off, etc. We told him how proud we were of him for being able to buckle his own seat belt and being a big kid in the back. He was THRILLED! I'm so glad. He was grinning ear-to-ear at being the big kid in the back. Daddy washed the inside and outside of our minivan and put the baby car seat in Joshua's old car seat place for the boys to get used to before the baby arrives.
Joshua loves to build and fix things with Daddy. Shawn took lots of time setting up the pack 'n play so that Joshua could use his tools and help - he sawed a piece, banged a piece together with his hammer, etc. and they were so excited when the project was done! He loves his tools. He also tells us all the time all the things he's built. Yesterday he told us that he built our house while we were in Florida. The vents for our HVAC unit he said are water and ice (like what comes out of our fridge). We laughed and laughed at his silliness. He has quite the imagination! Daddy asked him, "are we buds?" and his response was "sure, we can pretend to be BUGS!" Haaaa!!!
Joshua has been staying dry overnight, and I'm thankful to have one boy completely done with pull-ups. He does still get up overnight to go to the bathroom, but that's okay. So do we! We have days where he won't eat barely a thing, but this week, he's eaten most things in sight. So, I'm guessing we're going through a growth spurt. As he was out of the stroller walking in front of me today around the neighborhood, I thought of how much he looks like Pinocchio from behind. I couldn't help but sing the song in my head "hum diddle-e-dee, an actor's life for me!" Speaking of singing, my little man loves to sing, and he sings pretty well in tune.
Joshua also loves to play games from Memory to the letters game. I realize that he knows all the letters in order, even without singing the song to figure out which comes next. And he knows several words that begin with each letter. He loves to play that game! He also loves to sing silly songs that rhyme every night before bed. Some of his favorites include "What's outside my door? Oh, I see a dinosaur!" "Mama thought she bumped the wall but instead it was hamball." "Daddy do you know what's funny? On your head is a pile of money!" He laughs and laughs. We sing goodnight to everyone, say our prayers together and then it's silly songs until we give them each the number of kisses they request - for Joshua it's always '12 and one to grow on' (I started the one to grow on, which is a zerbert on their cheek) and Caleb is always '5 and one to grow on.' Then they like to do it back to us before we tuck them in the covers and leave their room. Often we hear them talking to each other and giggling until they finally pass out. One night they talked for over an hour. Daddy and I couldn't help but smile. While we want them to go to bed, we're so thankful that they are friends.

Joshua is a great big brother, he's a fantastic helper, he loves to help clean up and put things away, and he has such a sweet spirit. I am so thankful that he's my son. Happy 56-month birthday, my Bean!

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