Monday, May 16, 2011

A New Pet

Here's my attempt at re-creating one of the posts that was lost. Every time I think about the time I spent making the posts in the first place let alone re-doing them, I just want to curse. But alas, I won't. Anyway, after Joshua's surgery on Monday, May 2, he woke up extremely sore and didn't want to eat anything even though he had eaten yogurt and some noodles the night before. I didn't force the issue, but when he said he really wanted to go to preschool, I was surprised. I told his teacher she could call me if he was just too sore and I also told her that he's not allowed to have anything sticky or chewy from now on as it could hurt the work they did. She promised to call if there was any issues, but I didn't hear from her. The tylenol must have done the trick enough to keep him doing okay for the morning.
The above "pet rock" was the project they worked on that morning, and Joshua assumed his name was "Joshua" since we had labeled him upon taking him into the classroom for the Bean to decorate. He had fun making this thing (what do we do with it now?). Grandpa Georgia had stopped in that morning to see the Bean, but he didn't stay long enough to see him after preschool. He was glad to hear he was doing well enough to go.

Wednesday night, Shawn came home with a beautiful bouquet of flowers "just because." What a great husband! I love him! I'd been cooking up a storm and made one of his favorite dishes the night before. It's nice to do nice things for each other. He's a great daddy and hubby. Thursday, El Cinco de Mayo, Joshua came out of his class with the bag (pictured above) for me and the homemade necklace that he insisted I wear (it's adorable) along with the card about his hand prints. I love it! I think homemade mother's day gifts are the best.
Thursday night I took the boys to Mamaw's house and we played there after dinner so that Daddy could put together Caleb Luke's dresser. While his tools were charging, he mowed our extremely overgrown yard first. It was a late night for him as he had to rearrange the boys' furniture to fit it into their room, but I was glad that he got it all done. At Mamaw's, the boys did some crafts with her stencils, including making a birthday card for Daddy and they had fun. (Thanks, Mom!) When we came home, I tucked the boys in our bed while Daddy finished up in their room until it was time to carry them back over.
The next day, I sorted through the boys' clothing, finished all the laundry and brought it up from our laundry room and organized all Caleb's clothing in his new dresser. We also played "fashion show" that weekend with the boys so that I would have a better idea of what sizes they're in for shorts and t-shirts. Caleb is wearing 3T shorts and 4T shirts and Joshua still needs 4T shorts for most things but 5T shirts. I was glad to get everything out of the baby's room that belongs to Caleb. He was confused at first on where to find his undies and jammies and things, but he's getting used to it now.
I also pulled all the weeds on the side of the house and front flower bed since they were taking over. I was motivated by Shawn getting so much done the night before that I wanted to help. I was exhausted by Friday night, though. Thankfully, I had planned a mom's night out with friends that evening. So, Daddy made dinner for him and the boys after they played more outside and I had a nice time at D&S Brasserie with five of the gals from life group. We enjoyed talking about pregnancy & babies and kiddos and life in general. It was fun!
Saturday morning, we went yard-saling as a family and we found the boys a 'tractor tipper' game from the Cars movie. The boys haven't quit playing with it since - well worth the quarter we spent! We also found a new set of stacker cups for the bathtub so they don't have to fight over the one set we have. We felt like we struck gold with those two purchases. :) More on Mother's Day weekend to come! Yet another post I have to re-do...

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