Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy 34-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

Caleb turned 34-months old on Sunday, May 8. You can kind of see in these pictures that his nose is a little bloody. He had gotten a cold (most likely from when we were at the doctor's before Joshua's surgery) and his nose was downright raw from blowing it so much. We finally took him to the doctor's office after two full weeks (since there's not much they'll do for a cold), and Dr. Sanchez noted that he'd "fought the good fight" with this one and prescribed antibiotics to knock out any kind of sinus infection. She also said that his nose could be a skin infection from blowing it so much but only time would tell and to come back if it looked worse. Hopefully the medicine kills off whatever has been plaguing him! At one point he told me, "Mommy, my nose doesn't work!" I think he simply couldn't breathe - it broke my heart to hear his soft little voice tell me how miserable he was. Poor guy!
With this nasty cold, he's been having trouble sleeping. He started talking in his sleep, which is driving me crazy. I'll hear "is this a word we don't say?" "Joshua, go right!" and all sorts of other things being SHOUTED from his room. I'll race in, only to find him still sleeping. But other times he's yelling because he needs a drink or a tissue or simply wants a snuggle because he's awake. It's been tiring, but it's a good reminder of what's coming with baby!
Caleb is pretty well potty-trained these days. He hasn't had a mess in his pants in... honestly I don't remember the last time. But, if I wear a pull-up on him, he tends to pee in them still. If he's wearing big boy undies, he tends to keep them dry. But, I'm always in a quandary when I leave the house - do I leave the undies on him, knowing that most likely he'll be dry but not wanting an accident somewhere out and about, or do I put a pull-up on him, realizing that he won't always give himself the lead time to get to the potty and get his pants down if he has the safety net of the pull-up? I've tended to go the route of the pull-up since they can hold a lot of wetness and he doesn't do the other unless he's in a potty, but I'm thinking maybe it's time to let go and just keep the undies on him. Either way, he's done really well with potty training and we're very happy for him!
Caleb is starting to learn how to ride bike with Daddy's help. Having both boys on their bikes makes me nervous because I don't want either one to fall, but they both love riding. It's nice that they can ride on our driveway and at the school behind our house. I know that biking is strengthening their legs. Likewise, both boys are doing more walking with me than riding in the stroller when we go for walks, but I still take the stroller along just in case they get tired. They've both chosen to climb in a time or two to either rest or because they tripped, etc. But, it's good exercise for them (even though I would venture to say that it slows me down). I'm glad that they enjoy walking because when the baby comes, at least one boy will have to walk.

Speaking of baby, Caleb loves to kiss my belly and say hello to the baby. I don't think he knows what to expect as far as having a little brother, but he's excited either way!
Caleb still loves books, look and find things (which he's amazingly good at!), puzzles, playing ball, coloring, and singing songs. He's also asked me to tell him more stories lately. Caleb is SO good at playing by himself or with other kids. There are times that I need to remind myself that he needs interaction as well; it's easy to get caught up doing laundry, cleaning, etc. because he's playing nicely but I treasure moments I get to spend with my children. Each day when we wake up, I tell them how happy I am to be home with them. And it's true. I'm so thankful to spend my days watching them grow and learn. Sometimes I think we take for granted the small steps that they are doing because we see them every day. But, my little 'Bluke is getting to be a big boy! Happy 34-month birthday, my little love!

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