Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last Day of Preschool

On Monday, May 9, I dropped the boys off at my Mom's house for an hour so that I could go to etown to complete all my official paperwork, pick up my faculty ID and register my car. I've been asked to teach another class the end of summer to beginning of fall in addition to the one late fall. The kids had fun while I was gone, and I was thankful to have another thing crossed off my 'to do' list. The other night I couldn't sleep, panicking that I would be leaving my almost newborn for several hours to teach. I realize it's only one night a week, but I remember Caleb refusing to take a bottle and being highly upset by the time I got home. Please pray for peace for all of us!
Tuesday, May 10, was Joshua's last day of preschool. We were invited to join his classroom at 11:15 to watch him receive his compilation of projects he created, along with a little diploma. I asked Shawn to come along since afterward they invited families to eat a packed lunch outside and let the kids play on the playground. Caleb was extremely well behaved as we sat and watched the kids perform their little songs for us and receive their diplomas and kind words from their teacher. Mrs. Dearborn said that she appreciated how Joshua was always excited to come to school. :)
I had packed us all ham & cheese sandwiches, fresh fruit, carrots & dip and crackers and cheese. So after the program was done, we headed out to the playground to eat. My friend Becca was there with all three of her kids (her son Noah is in a different classroom, but their teacher did the same thing) and she joined us as we ate. I took one final picture of Joshua with Mrs. Dearborn (above) and Mrs. Wolfe (below). He was sad to see preschool come to an end, but he'll go back next year. For now, we're anxious for the start of summer!
Earlier that day, the students had watched a "duck walk." Calvary had a few families of ducks who laid eggs in their courtyard and gave birth to their babies. Because of where the courtyard is, there's no way for the ducks to go free unless they walk through the building (which makes me realize that maybe they put the ducks there on purpose? Who knows?). The students loved watching the ducks and then the babies swim in the fountains out in the courtyard, but at the end of the year, it was time to let them go free. So, most of the classes lined up to watch them leave. Another mom who I'm friends with on facebook took the following pictures.

Shawn took off work that afternoon since he had a dentist appointment to go to anyway. He stayed home with the boys as they napped, and I went grocery shopping to make some casseroles for our freezer. He joked that if my minivan didn't send us under financially, my grocery shopping will. I'm definitely in that nesting phase! Later, we went out for half-priced frappucinos at Starbucks since they were running a special that week. It was a beautiful day out! We enjoyed time outside that evening, as I recall.

The following day, I spent cooking, cooking and more cooking. The boys also helped me bake a cake for Daddy's birthday. Joshua LOVED the spice cake with butter cream icing we made. I've never seen him really enjoy sweets, but he actually asked for more and more cake. That evening, my mom watched the boys for us so I could take Shawn out shopping for his birthday. We went to the mall, and he picked out a pair of khakis and two shirts. I also got him a type of polish for his shoes from the Clarks store that he seemed thrilled with. I was hoping to buy him a new pair of jeans and sneakers since he desperately needs both, but he was done shopping after our first few purchases. After we were finished, we went out to dinner at the Longhorn Steakhouse, which was heavenly. I think it's the best steak I've had in a LONG time. I think we were only there once before, and I must not have ordered something as fantastic as this time. Either that, or we were STARVING from shopping first and eating second. But, we had a nice time out and the food was amazing. Thanks, Mamaw, for watching the kiddos!

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