Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I spent a majority of Mother's Day weekend organizing clothing. Shawn helped dig out every piece of boy clothing we own or have borrowed from 0-3 months up to 5-7 years. I meticulously went through each bin and organized it by season and size. While I do this as the boys outgrow things, I also have lent them out and they sometimes come back not quite as organized. So, I wanted to go through everything and see what was stained or still in good shape, etc. I put the 0-3 month summer things in the baby's dresser and 3-6 month clothing in the armoire. I also went through all our little socks and shoes and organized them by size, putting the smallest in the dresser with our little hats and putting the next size in the closet with the shoes, all organized by size. I have a big trash bag full of clothes to throw away and another box to give to Goodwill. I also have summer and winter things all organized and labeled in bins, and Shawn was good enough to take them up to the attic in order and put them in logical sequence. I felt good when it was all done. The baby's room is officially ready to go! I will probably wipe down the furniture one last time since I haven't done that since Caleb quit sleeping in the room, but that won't take too long.
Mother's Day weekend was beautiful. We went for walks as a family, the boys road their bikes with Daddy's help, and Joshua even drew me a picture on the driveway that said "Happy Mother's Day" and there was a picture underneath it of a sunshine (with the rays coming from the circle) and a body underneath. He said it was him since he's my sunshine. Loved it!
Daddy had a card signed by the boys and a hanging flower pot for me. They also took me out to breakfast. It was a great day! Mamaw stopped in that afternoon for me to give her the flowers and gift card we had gotten for her, too. Joshua sang me a mother's day song as well.
Sunday was also another milestone/birthday for Caleb Luke, which I will post about separately.
Saturday night, though, we had our babysitter Miranda come and stay with the boys as we went to a friend's 40th birthday party. I saw a gal that I hadn't talked to since college and another woman who looked familiar and I realized that she teaches at MU in the Communications department. Small world! After we left the party, we went out to dinner just the two of us. It was a nice evening with my hottie hubby.
Happy Mother's Day!

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