Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

When we were digging out our Easter baskets and decorations, I found the toy bunny that Aunt Missy had bought the boys last year. Daddy put new batteries in him, and Joshua LOVED playing his little song. Caleb, on the other hand, was TERRIFIED of this little toy. I kept telling him that it was just a toy, but he would run away from it anytime Joshua had it. Here's his face when Joshua brought it to the table...
On Saturday, April 30, we decided to do our indoor egg hunt after naps. I knew that we were doing an outdoor one the following day, and I also thought doing it on Saturday (even though it was technically a day before Easter) was appropriate since we were going to church that night. In all reality, when you look at the Easter story, if you believe Jesus died on Good Friday, the day He rose was actually Monday. He rose three days later, and the Bible specifically notes that the women rested on the Sabbath in obedience to God's Word and went the following day with spices to the tomb.
The boys had taken their pants off for naps and didn't put them back on before hunting eggs. I didn't think about it until we started looking at the pictures. WHOOPS! Next year, we'll have them fully clothed.
They both did a great job hunting eggs. We let them hunt roughly the same number, so when Joshua had completed his, he helped his little brother find a couple more. He's such a good boy!
Caleb would simply throw his hard-boiled eggs into his bucket, and we'd hear "crack." Most of his didn't survive. But, we had them put them away in the egg cartons just to make sure we found them all (no need to have one left behind!). Afterward, we had them find their Easter baskets.
In their Easter baskets, we put a coloring book for each child (Caleb picked out the Mickey Mouse one and I convinced Joshua that the one for Spring was cool) and a toy train they had selected. Joshua picked Gordon (the number 4 train) that talks and moves along the track by himself on the plastic tracks, and Caleb picked Henry (the number 3 train) that does the same. We also got them each a bag of M&M's (Caleb's favorite, I think), some Scooby Doo fruit chewies that both boys love, and some special Easter eggs filled with surprises like Cars stickers. [Neither of my kids are big on sweets at this point in life.] The bunny ears are from last year, and they just added a little decorative flair to the baskets.

Joshua found his basket right away, which we had put up high on top of the fridge. Caleb took a little longer to find his basket, which we had put right on his level on the big bay window sill. They were both excited to find them. And Joshua put his bunny ears on right away.
Caleb wanted to be like his big brother, so he put his on for a picture, too. Then he took them off. He's not big on wearing ears. :)
The boys had a great time opening their baskets and seeing all the fun things! Daddy had also gotten them some new Wii gear, and then we forgot to stick it in the baskets. Whoops! They opened them later. Before too long, it was time to get ready for our church's Easter gathering. I enjoyed the boys little egg and basket hunt, and I think they did, too. :) :) :)

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