Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tricks 'n Treats

Trick or Treat night was Friday, October 29. We were ready with our Buzz & Woody costumes for the boys! It was a COLD night, so I had plenty of layers on underneath the costumes to keep the boys warm. Our doorbell rang just before 6 pm, and soon enough we were off to the neighborhood. We went next door and then across the street and saw a couple of the neighbors we know first. Caleb's hat (or Woody's hat!) flew off in the wind. We kept taking turns holding it and then sticking it on his head for him to ring the doorbell. They were good at saying 'trick-or-treat' and 'thank you' til the end of the night. Joshua added 'have a good night!' to the end of our visits. I thought they were seriously cute. :) :) :)

There were a TON of kids out. Last year I don't remember as many, the year before that there were a lot, though. I think since our neighborhood has sidewalks and is close to the school, many families who don't live in such neighborhoods come to ours to do their trick-or-treating. A majority of the kids were small (around our kids' ages), but there were some older ones. I have to say, though, that the older ones that we saw were all well-behaved and well-mannered. One group of them gave Joshua (AKA Buzz) a high five as they left a house that we were walking up to.
There was one house that was particularly strange that evening (in fact, we'll probably avoid it next year). The woman came to the door dressed in full witches garb. She told the boys she was going to fly on her broom that night. Then she demanded what they wanted. Joshua said in his sweet little voice 'treats!' I thought that was a good answer. (As we had walked up to the door, I heard another little boy demanding candy, but I hadn't seen or heard her to know that she was the one prompting the reaction.) She told the boys that they would get NOTHING from her unless they sang to her. Caleb burst into tears. Joshua sang her the Scooby Doo theme song. Of all things to choose! I assume that since Scooby Doo is a little 'scary' that her house and dress reminded him of it (and he's never seen the real TV show, he just sees Daddy's video game of it and thinks Scooby is cool). I laughed at him singing and dancing - he thought this woman was funny. I thought she was a whack job. She did, however, tell Caleb that he could still have a treat and that she was just a grandma pretending. I was glad to hear it, but Caleb was already done with that house and running back to Daddy.

The rest of our time that night was fairly uneventful, other than both kids fell that night. Caleb was the first to take a spill, scraping up his hands. He was most concerned that he spilled his bucket, which we picked up. Joshua fell at one of the last houses we stopped at for the night. His fall was much, much worse. He was coming off the porch/walk way of one of the houses and completely missed the stairs, falling face-first into the driveway pavement. His teeth were bleeding, his nose was completely scraped up (and still is, poor little guy!). Once again, he cried that he spilled his bucket of treats. The little old man whose house we were at (we often see him walking his dog as we walk around the neighborhood) felt SO bad. He gave the boys a little pencil and kept asking if Josh was okay. He was, even though he was scraped and bruised.

We went back to our house to find that our candy that we had put out was already gone, but thankfully the bowl was still there. We went and visited Grandma & Ken and Grandpa Georgia in the costumes. The boys were hot, though, in their layers so we stayed less than five minutes at either place and then came home to let the boys change into their PJs and call it a night. :)

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