Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Grandma Good Comes to Visit

Monday night, Grandma Good came over for supper. The boys were looking forward to her coming all day. Earlier that day, they both helped me bake a dessert for her. Joshua suggested a cake, so we scrubbed our hands and then started dumping the ingredients for a funfetti cake, which turned out well. Then he asked if it was her birthday - nope! :) : ) :) But I can see his confusion since we had cake & ice cream.

I remember someone saying that she likes Italian, so I made Jess' Hawaiian Pizza Pasta Casserole. It turned out well (admittedly, I prayed over it!), I think. Joshua was highly entertaining that evening. He sang more verses to the Thanksgiving song (again, sung to the tune of "the Wheels on the Bus"). The subsequent verses say "the mamas of the house go bake bake bake... on Thanksgiving Day... the daddies in the house yell go, team, go!... the grandmas in the house go hug hug hug... the grandpas in the house go snore snore snore... on Thanksgiving Day." We were cracking up.
As we sat down to dinner, he looked over at Grandma Good and said "Great Grandma, how was your day at work?" He knows that that's one of the first questions we ask Daddy at the dinner table, and he was prepared. She smiled at his chattiness, and she asked him how his day was and what did he do. He replied that he cleaned up his toys in the office so she wouldn't fall over them. I cracked up! They did help me clean up their toys that day. Haaaa!!! They enjoyed visiting with her, even though neither boy ate much until we got to the cake and ice cream. Joshua doesn't like cake, but he loves cookies 'n cream ice cream since Daddy told him one time that it's Scooby Doo's favorite. I don't exactly remember why that was, but Joshua has never forgotten it. After dinner, the boys played with Grandma Good - you can see her giving Joshua an 'airplane' ride in the picture above, and below she's rocking Caleb, who went right up and cuddled with her.
We enjoyed the visit with her very much. Thanks for coming over!

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