Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Birthday Party

I keep forgetting to post things, so there are some days that are a bit out of order. Such is life, though. The last weekend of October, I forgot to mention that we swung by Uncle Brian & Aunt Gayle's house to drop off birthday gifts for everyone. We'd had them for a long time, thinking we would run into them at some point (since we were on vacation on their actual birthdays) and finally we decided to call and take them over. Gayle was working so we just saw Brian & the kids. Grant opened his gift and his mommy's, while Brian opened his by himself.

This past Saturday, we celebrated another birthday. Joshua's friend Chase from preschool had a party at Chuck E. Cheese and his parents invited the entire class. I counted eight friends who went (which is exactly half his class). Shawn & Joshua picked out his gift, and then I took the Bean to the party. Unfortunately, Joshua was hungry and we played first and ate last. But, he still had fun, I think. It was amusing to me to see what they do for birthday kiddos. I also enjoyed talking to Chase's mom and Bethany's mom (another friend of Joshua's). Joshua used up all his tokens, and luckily we had some extras from the last time we were there that I had stuck in my purse, which kept him busy. The place was also packed! At the end of the party, Chase handed out little 'thank you' gift bags, which Joshua carried around all day, telling us that Chase gave him his special bag. :) :) :) He had a fun time, and this was his first 'school' party. Even after drinking lots of sugary cool-aid and eating a ton of pizza (for him!), he came home and took a nice nap with his brother, who had enjoyed his afternoon with Daddy. Joshua told me as we were leaving that he was glad I had went with him - he is so sweet. I love my boys!

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