Friday, November 19, 2010

Catching Up

Friday, November 12, my car was in the garage to get inspected. Praise God, as I mentioned before, it didn't need anything to pass. I decided to make the boys a big breakfast that morning - homemade french toast and bacon. They both ate an entire piece of french toast and a couple pieces of bacon. Since Mamaw knew we were stuck at home, she brought over some construction paper for us later that morning. Only, unfortunatley when she arrived, Joshua was NOT in a good mood. Eventually we went outside for a walk, and he calmed down after eating some lunch and taking his afternoon nap.

That said, I was thankful that that night was another girls' night out. This week, my friend Kristina organized the gathering of us gals that were in youth group together. There were six of us that were really close and have remained friends throughout the years, even though we don't see each other often. Only five could make it that evening, and I thought about how much our lives have changed and yet how neat it is that we can all relate. After high school, I went to college, one went into missions, one got married and started having kids immediately, one got an associates in interior design, and one started working full time after doing a brief worship school, if I'm remembering correctly. Now two of the five have four children (and only one of them is done!), one has five children and would like to have more, another had her first daughter this past year and we're baking our third and final child (unless we would decide to adopt). We enjoyed our food at Applebee's (and thankfully I called ahead so we got seated right away since they were really busy!), but it was the conversation that was so refreshing. I told my horror story from the day before, and they piped in with similar incidents that had happened to them, from children getting locked in the car to one of the gals getting accidentally locked in her attic while her kids were in the house. It made me feel better. We also talked about church and family life, shared funny stories and talked about serious subjects. It was a great evening of catching up, and I was the first one to leave at 9:30 that night. I came home to an extremely tired hubby, who said he enjoyed the time with the boys.
The following day it was beautiful outside, so I took the boys to the playground behind our house to let Daddy get some work done (which is where these pictures are from). I also made 'veggie pizza' (the appetizer) for the first time, which I thought turned out well. That evening, our friends the Buckwalter's invited us over for dinner. We had a great time! The boys enjoy playing with their kids, and we highly enjoy getting to know the parents. It was a fun evening, and we left about 8:30 to get the boys in bed. Here's a picture of Caleb playing in their basement.
Since they were dedicating their children at church the following day at the 11 am service, we decided to go to the later service to see it. The boys took a long nap that afternoon, as did the nauseous mama. Shawn left to go to play laser tag for Jordon's birthday. He had a great time! The boys & I stayed home, but Joshua woke up sad that Daddy was missing. I rocked him & Caleb for a long time as they continued to snuggle. Then he said he wanted to call Daddy, and he wished Jordon a happy birthday over the phone. When Shawn came home, if my memory serves me correctly, we got takeout and watched 'Alice 'n Wonderland' as a family - only it turned out to be a littler scarier than we were expecting, so we put the boys to bed about half way through, which they were fine with.
Monday morning, I woke up and couldn't stop vomiting. AGAIN! I felt so bad that I finally called Mamaw and begged her to come get the boys and entertain them at her house so I could rest. She agreed and came right over (thanks so much!). I didn't get to sleep, but I also didn't have to worry about the boys, who enjoyed their time playing at her house. Joshua came home with a "Dora the Explorer" DVD, which he has highly enjoyed watching. I read some in my Bible and just relaxed until they got back. She brought some juice back with her for me, and she fed the boys lunch, which was really nice. The boys were both well-behaved when they woke up that afternoon, and I was thankful. For dinner that night, I baked pineapple stuffing and steak with veggies. Shawn seemed to enjoy it, and I've been craving pineapple juice, which I mix with ginger ale.
Tuesday morning, Joshua had preschool and I had Bible study (so Caleb goes to his class at preschool). It rained once again, and I've noticed that it's rained almost every Tuesday since this Bible study started. I didn't feel well that morning but decided to go anyway, and I was glad I did. That said, Caleb cried the entire morning from the time we got out of the car until we reached his classroom that he wanted "up." I was carrying his cup, his bag, my Bible and notebook, and my hands were much too full to carry him, too. But, I felt bad. I wasn't the only mom that morning who had a son crying, though, and it's nice that we can all relate. Once we reached Caleb's room, I put my things down and held him for a few minutes, and he calmed right down and played nicely the rest of the day, the teachers told me. Since I was having a rough morning, I called Shawn to see if he'd want to meet for lunch, and he quickly agreed since he also wanted to tell me about his day. The boys and I enjoyed visiting Daddy immensely, which we don't do as often as we used to.

I had a hair dresser appointment that night, so we drove back to his office for us to switch cars (since the hair dresser is close to Shawn's work). Joshua was excited to see Daddy's trains again! I was excited to get my hair done - the gal is so sweet, and she does a nice job. I got home relatively quickly, and Shawn made us supper and remembered to tell me that my hair looked nice. He is quite the husband! Thankfully the rest of the week got better from there, for the most part. :)

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