Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy 28th Birthday, Caleb Luke!

Monday, November 8, was Caleb's 28-month birthday. We entertained Grandma Good that evening, as I posted about before. But, I never posted about things my little Caleb Luke is doing these days. There are several comments that Caleb gets 'all the time.' One is how tall he is. He's not 'off-the-charts' tall, but compared to his brother who's two years older than him, he does seem a little taller. Another thing folks always comment on are his big beautiful blue eyes. I think his extremely long eye lashes (much like his daddy's!) contribute to the beauty of his eyes. He sure is a cutie pie! Shawn always says that he's "stinkin' cute!" and I think that's partially personality, too. :) :) :) My mom also notes how articulate he is, and yet his voice is so soft and sweet. He doesn't babble on and on, but he can communicate what he wants to say when he wants to say it, which again reminds me of Shawn. Lastly, I hear over and over again about how smart he is. The women who watch the two-year-old's at Calvary while I'm at Bible study go on and on about how amazingly intelligent my little guy is. I think every mom thinks their kids are smart, but I know Caleb really is a smarty.
Caleb has been enjoying cuddling this past month or so. When Joshua was crying the other week, he put his hand on his back and rubbed it and said "It's okay, Frownie Frank." He is a loving little guy. He doesn't seem to have the mood swings that the Bean does, but he HATES to hold hands as we walk or be confined in any way, shape or form. This leads to us not getting along every time we take Joshua to preschool. The school requests that you don't take strollers if at all possible (and trust me, the hallways are so jam packed that I think it's a wise request). But, Caleb will literally RUN off as fast as he can unless we're holding hands. Thus, I force the issue and he gets upset. It's one of the rare things that we don't see eye-to-eye on. He loves to run and explore, and there are some circumstances where that doesn't work. I know that this, too, shall pass!
I firmly believe that Caleb is only a picky eater because he eats his meals with his brother. If we eat a snack without Joshua, Caleb eats most things we serve him. But, when Joshua says "I don't like it" (even without trying it), Caleb follows his lead. This drives me crazy! I've also discovered recently that Caleb loves little dried marshmallows (which I can't stand marshmallows of any variety so this was funny to me). We bought the goldfish pack of graham, chocolate and marshmallow pieces, and Caleb digs out the white ones to eat them (even though he LOVES chocolate!).

Caleb is still not having success potty training. Please pray for him! He wants to go on the potty, but it's like he can't relax enough to go. He'll tell us he has to go, he'll sit there for a little while (which was an issue before) but he doesn't actually go. Then later when he can't hold it anymore, he asks for a diaper. We'll stick him on the potty, but he won't go. Then he eventually goes NOT in the potty. I think it's just getting over the fear of going on the potty. Hopefully once the first accident on the potty happens, he'll be easy from there on out.

Caleb has favorite toys that he likes to play with. One of these is a snow globe, which he carries around and shakes to watch the snowflakes. He smiles from ear-to-ear at the little scene (which unfortunately it cracked the other day and is now leaking water). Well, the boys just woke up from their naps, so while there's more I could write about my little man, I need to go take care of him instead. Happy 28-month birthday, Caleb Luke!

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