Friday, October 29, 2010


Last Friday, the shirts I had ordered finally arrived! (I had placed the order on 10/10/10 when we confirmed for sure that we were expecting.) Since I've been sick, I wasn't sure how long I could wait to tell people 'why' and luckily enough I didn't have to wait much longer. I took pictures of the boys in them right away, but to my surprise not many people 'got' it. My mom did. My sister read it 'little brother' rather than 'big' brother. Grandpa thought that it was because Caleb is such a 'big' kid that he's also the big brother. Eventually people made the connection, though. Shawn & I are excited, and the boys are starting to talk about the baby. When we sing "Goodnight" to everyone, we include the baby. And, I asked the boys to give me opinions on names. Joshua has said "Heaven" "Six" and "Frownie Frank" (which made me laugh), and Caleb has suggested "Bruno" (after a puppy in one of his favorite books) and "Mater." I don't think any of them will even make it on our 'possible' list, but they always make me smile.
Saturday, Nonie & Poppy had offered to take the boys for the day (thanks so much!). Normally Shawn & I would have taken the opportunity to paint something or do a major project. With how I was feeling, we were lucky to finish the yard work (and when I saw 'we' I mean Shawn) and clean the house (which was me/both of us). It was a beautiful day, though, so I went for a short jog. I haven't done that since feeling yucky, but the doctor said it was okay as long as I drink enough water. I took my cell phone with me and enjoyed the weather, just taking it easy. In the meantime, the boys highly enjoyed their time playing in Reading. They invited us for dinner when we were picking them up, which was also nice. When we got home, I gave the boys a bath, got them into their PJs, and watched "It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."
The following day (Sunday), I was on the worship team and we hosted life group that afternoon/evening. I was dreading the long day, even though I like all those activities. But, life isn't as fun when you're feeling woozy. Praise God, though, I made it through and even enjoyed the time. And here's where I have to give praise where praise is due - my husband really took over in making sure everything was ready for our friends. He really did a great job, and I'm so thankful to have such a supportive and sweet husband. The boys are crazy about their awesome Daddy, too! He rocks! I'm sure our youngest child will think so, too.

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