Monday, October 4, 2010

Joshua's 4-Year Well-Child Check-up

I called the pediatrician awhile ago to confirm Joshua's doctor's appointment. They didn't have any record of it ??? I was almost sure that I had scheduled it because I remember changing dates due to his preschool schedule. That said, I told them that I would take whatever they had... it honestly could have been my error. They said they were booked through the end of the year. But, they had one opening on the evening we got back from Florida. Knowing that I needed his preschool physical form filled out as well, I took it. I knew we were cutting the timing close, but I also knew that it was necessary to get him seen. The fall is a tricky time for a little boy with asthma, and I had questions about when to start his medicine, the flu shot, etc. I was thankful that this 'miracle' appointment was available.

When we arrived that evening, we were sent to the first nurse's station, and a woman from our church greeted us. I remember Julie because she came right up to me at church and told me how cool it is to have a girl on the worship team. I always thought there were girls, but I realized that she was right in that the girls are the vocalists. I had never thought about it before. Anyway, she's a super sweet lady and serves in the 'Dolphin' room at church. Joshua was WOUND up! I explained that he had just gotten back from Florida, and flying had made him hyper. She smiled and said she'd never seen him 'like this.' He was good, but he was boisterous and could no longer sit still. The doctor came in after a little bit, and we talked about car seats (the law being 4 and 40 pounds but the height being the key factor to watch), his not eating meat (which she said was okay and gave me a list of other foods high in protein and serving sizes, which I'm thankful for), healthy habits for kids, naps, etc. I like Dr. Kernan a lot. She also filled out his preschool paperwork and they gave him two shots - the flu shot and another vaccine, which is particularly important with his lungs, she told me. Unfortunately, they don't have enough flu shots to give one to Caleb yet. UGH! Hopefully they get them in soon. But, Joshua is the one we always worry about.

Joshua's stats are as follows:
Weight: 34 lbs 8 oz (36.59%)
Height: 3' 4.5" (54.4%)
Blood Pressure: 96/44 (or 'perfect for his age,' she told me)

The doctor noted that this is the most he's ever weighed, even percentage-wise. He's perfectly healthy for his age - I think that had to do with him being with his grandparents the week before. ;-) His height is right on track for where he's always been, and that's also extremely healthy. Overall, he got an A+++. 

I filled out a healthy habits questionnaire, which she didn't talk about but did give me a bunch of paperwork that I read over on serving sizes, portions, nutrition, development, behavior control, media, dental care, and safety tips. I found it interesting that dawdling is normal at this age - that's one thing that's been driving me crazy, and this is the age that tasks can start to feel a bit overwhelming as they have a hard time planning and thinking through the steps of accomplishing a task. I realize that I need to have more grace and help him work through this issue. The rest of it seemed fairly standard to me.

Joshua told the doctor that it was dark outside and he was very tired. She told him that he was free to go after his shots, and he picked out a sticker. All in all, it was a good visit. Great job, little one!

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