Saturday, October 9, 2010

God's Promises Are Rainbows in the Night

One song I remember listening to when we were growing up is David Meece's "God's Promises Are Rainbows in the Night." When the rain came down this past Thursday, everyone was thinking 'flood' and 'where's the ark.' But on Wednesday night, our neighbor captured these pictures that had one end at the school's baseball field next to our houses and the other looked like it ended near the corn field that I jog through most mornings. How cool is that? (Thanks, Susan, for posting these pictures on facebook!)
I've been thinking about God's promises a lot lately. As we teach our kids about God and continue learning about Him, it's just so cool to see how faithful He is! One thing I was really praying about this year was which Bible study to go to. Our church offers MOPS and a women's Bible study on Thursday mornings, but both are in Manheim. While I've enjoyed both in the past, I wasn't sure about the driving time to pick up the Bean. Calvary, where he goes to preschool, also offers a women's Bible study on Tuesday mornings. And I really, really wrestled over the decision of which to do.

Finally, as I was praying, I felt that still small voice that said 'where are you at in your reading' (and I was coming up to Luke at the time, although I'm passed that now, of course) and 'what's your youngest son's middle name?' and of course, it's Luke. That was the study being offered at Calvary, and I just felt a peace about trying it. I went the first week and wasn't too sure. But I continued praying that God would put me in a group with other people who I was supposed to meet. My goal for going was just to get to know some more folks (while the Bible study is nice, I study the Bible on a regular basis on my own, so that was a secondary goal). 
God answered my prayers. The second week, the director of women's ministry there said how much she also prayed about the groups. And our group is made up of gals in similar circumstances in life who all seem sweet and committed to studying God's Word. It's been refreshing, and I look forward to going each week. The study is okay - I can always glean something out of it. But it's the fellowship that has been sweet. Caleb also doesn't cry when I drop him off in his room because he thinks he's going to preschool like his big brother. He's also made a little friend there, whose mom is in my group. This past Tuesday we went again (I missed last week since we were in FL) and it was a nice morning all in all, even though a woman who was in charge of children's ministry told me I MUST have a family ID number for Caleb so I went upstairs frantic, only to be told that they only do that on Sundays and aren't doing it for Bible study. While I'm sure this was just a mistake, the first woman was downright rude to me. Why is it that some folks who have worked in ministry a long time can't talk to people with any tone of respect or niceness? But, I think God's working on my heart to be kind to those who aren't kind first. I was very polite even though she was awful, and I think that was the lesson to be learned. I can't control other people's behavior (and really, I have no idea what her morning was like), but I can control my own.

Tuesday afternoon, I had a dentist appointment. It was probably the best one I've ever had. The gal was quick and efficient, and of course I didn't have any cavities (praise God!). They also commended me on my 'home care,' which made me feel good. How I hope that I can help the boys develop good habits in their lives!
Wednesday morning, Joshua went to preschool and Caleb & I went to the library upstairs to return a book and I checked out a new "Johnny" DVD. I didn't even realize there was so many in the "Auto B. Good" series! Next Caleb & I ran to the grocery store to buy apples for a homemade apple pie (which was delicious, if I do say so myself). I also needed a few other things for dinner that night, and he was really good in the store. We got home, did some other errands, and soon enough it was time to go pick up Joshua from soccer shots. It was POURING when I left the house, so I assumed they were in the gym inside. They weren't, so I went upstairs to ask where the kids were. I was told "in the gym." I was appalled that they didn't know where the kids were at either. But, I eventually found that they were outside in the soccer field, WET! Shawn told me that I baby the Bean too much - he was having a blast outside in the rain! He LOVES soccer and the coaches. And, he even got a t-shirt for participating in the program. :) :) :) He was thrilled. He also carried out with him a book from the library, which started up again that day. It's about a "Mutt Dog" who was finally adopted by a family.

Wednesday night, we had friends over for dinner. We met them at the recent link at church, and they seem super sweet. Their son is close to Joshua's age, and the three boys enjoyed playing together. They also have a daughter who's not quite a year old, and I think soon enough she'll be in the mix as well! When they arrived, the sun had just started to shine once again, and this beautiful rainbow in these pictures had appeared. They commented on it when they came in. It was truly gorgeous - a display of God's majesty. Dinner turned out really well (I had prayed that it would), and we thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We have SO much in common! Karisten even said "we're like soul mates in friends." I loved the comment - it really seemed true that we have a lot of similar interests, beliefs, background, etc. They love sports, home decor and playing games; they grew up in Christian homes; they're both extremely intelligent; they attend the city campus; they have small kids, etc. It was a great night. I'm looking forward to hanging out with them again. And once again, I have to give thanks where thanks is due. We've prayed for friends that we can have a deeper connection with (and that's not to say that we don't love our current friends, because we certainly do!). But, I think us meeting them at the link where we prayed that we would find some neat people was not coincidence but a 'divine' appointment. God is faithful to His promises! He is faithful even when we're not! He is faithful that when He says if we ask for something in His name and believe, He provides. He has truly been faithful to us in many ways at many times throughout our lives. And just last week, I could name several answers to pray that I've seen come to pass that week. He is an awesome God! Just look at the rainbow... a sign of His promise and faithfulness!

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