Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy 49th birthday, Bean!

An entire month has passed since Joshua's 4th birthday! It's hard to believe. He keeps asking if he's still four. He loves this new 'older' age. On Monday, October 18, his 49th birthday, he had a dentist appointment in the afternoon. He played with Dr. Miller, who gave his teeth the thumbs up. He did, however, note that Joshua somehow fractured a baby tooth in a fall sometime and also noted the teeth that didn't form properly in the womb in the back of his mouth. He said this is normal for pre-term babies, and these teeth aren't decaying so they will just keep an eye on them. Joshua got stickers and prizes at the dentist, and he enjoyed playing there. I am thankful for this pediatric dentist!
Here's Mr. Fix-it. Daddy was putting together our new exercise bike, and Joshua begged to help. So, he got the safety goggles and wrench and helped get in Daddy's way. But, Shawn enjoyed the boys trying to hang out with him, for the most part. When asked what he wanted to be when he "grows up" at preschool, he replied that he wants to be a Police Officer. How cute!
Joshua is writing better and better, but he doesn't put his name in a straight line yet. Not sure when that comes! He enjoys tracing and writing. He also LOVES books. His favorite book lately was one about a "Mutt Dog" that he borrowed from preschool. He was sad when he had to return it, but this week he borrowed one on a Duck Election that he's enjoying. He also can read "Green Eggs & Ham" almost word for word. Our friend helps in his children's church "Treasure Cove" class, and she told me that she thinks Joshua is a 'genius' because he knows all the words to the songs. He LOVES to sing! It is really, really sweet.
The Bean also says the funniest things. I swear, we're laughing all the time at his adorable expressions. In his artwork above, it says "I love fall because..." and then the teacher asked each child to respond. Joshua's said because "sometimes the leaves fall on me." When we had roasted our pumpkin seeds, he tried one and said "Mommy, I don't like pumpkin nuts!" The expression made Shawn and I giggle. He could NOT remember the word 'seeds' for the life of him. When we separated them out that morning, he kept calling them his 'little guys.' Another expression that makes us giggle is "King Burger." He was craving french fries after his recent trip to Florida, and we had said no since we were going to be making dinner. We soon passed a Burger King and he said "Daddy! Daddy! Stop! There's the King Burger!" We laughed and laughed. How do they know these places when they're so little? They learn quickly!
Grandpa teaches the kids all kinds of silly things when he's at our house. He taught them "Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water..." Joshua knows it word for word, except he always wants to call Jill 'Jim' instead. So, Grandpa corrected him and said "it's Jim" so Joshua started again "Jim & Jill went up the hill..." Sooo funny! That same night, the boys were fighting over a toy, so Grandpa took Joshua aside and said "let's talk." The Bean sat up at the counter, and Grandpa asked him who his girlfriend is. He said "Mama." After all, I'm a girl and I'm his friend. So cute! Then he said "no, let's talk, Grandpa." Dad thought their talk was done (after all, his whole thought was to get one boy interested in something else so the toy wouldn't be a source of contention anymore). Grandpa, thinking the Bean might ask about his girlfriend asked, 'what do you want to talk about? Joshua said "SHARING!" He thought he had come over for a lesson in sharing. Haaa!!! He's too smart for his own good!

There are so many other things I could share about Joshua. He loves to color and paint, he loves to read and play soccer, he loves to ride bike and take walks, he enjoys spending time with Caleb (in fact, he cried this morning when we were leaving without Caleb since it was his field trip day), and he still hoards toys like they're all going to leave. He's a pretty good singer, he enjoys baking, and he's a great helper! He helps clean-up or fetch things, etc. He so enjoys feeling like he's helping someone. He also loves stories. I was trying to act out the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with just two lives and five fish, and he really remembered most of it. It's so amazing to see their little minds remember verses and stories, etc. I could go on and on, but there's only so much time in the day. So, I'll add more stories later. Happy 49th birthday, buddy! I love you!!!

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