Thursday, October 8, 2009

Joshua's Artwork

Here's the pumpkin Joshua decorated (on the right) at Grant's birthday party. Joshua's first artwork after the necklace was for "Black Day" when he dressed in black. This lovely treasure was stuck in his mail slot, so at first I didn't see it and thought he hadn't participated that day... instead, he had made a lovely piece for us full of sticky glue.

Next was white day at's the painting he created. This week they learned that God created night and day, light and darkness. Joshua told me when I asked him what he was learning that "God turned on the lights." Yep, that about sums it up!Here was Joshua's Blue Artwork...this was positively wet with glue when we were handed this treasure. So, Caleb and I wore some glue on the way home from preschool. This one was created on blue day, of course. I think the theme for the above artwork was clouds since the following preschool day was another blue day and Joshua used scissors for the first time to cut the clouds in the picture below this one. He also learned that God created the heavens and the earth, so the clouds represent heaven and the upcoming artwork represents the earth.I loved the following piece, which has two sides and we can hang. Here are the heavens and the earth...Next it was red day. Here is his paint job for that day.And yesterday Joshua was asked to color a picture of a leaf with the leaves in the middle of the table for them to look at and then draw on their paper with crayon. Here was his finished product:

While he may not be Picassa, I LOVE his artwork and am a proud momma. He's doing a fantastic job at preschool! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great masterpieces! I am trying to find a great way to display Elliott's artwork. I have a blank wall in our kitchen. Let me know if you come up with something neat for Joshua's artwork.