Wednesday, October 14, 2009

15 Months...Where Has the Time Gone?

Caleb turned 15-months old on Thursday, October 8. I can't believe my baby is already that old! He seems so little and yet growing so quickly! He's learning his body parts and animal sounds, loves books and is really into lights and socks. He's quite sharp, and he can communicate yes and no by shaking his head. When we ask him, "are you ready for night-night?" he will shake his head yes and go right into his room and stand by the crib. He loves to sleep with his blankey and is a good sleeper, thank God! He eats pretty well and his favorite foods are chicken nuggets, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and raisins. He does not like cheese or noodles, which I think is un-American.

He's still an explorer and loves to get into everything. He also loves to sit on the potty and mimick Joshua. My favorite thing he does is dance around. He loves to put the beads together and wear them as a necklace and dance around. I've noticed that if Joshua runs in one direction to go in a circle, Caleb will automatically choose the other.

I also love little Caleb's smile and when he talks. :) He has been an amazing addition to our family, and we love him. My two boys give me so much happiness on a daily basis. I'm thankful!

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