Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday Friends

On Friday, I had plans to meet my friend Julie and her kids Jude & Kate (who are six months older than Joshua & Caleb, respectively) at Oregon Dairy. You can't get enough of their pancakes, I think! The kids did really well there, and the boys LOVED the train that went around and around. Oregon Dairy also has great kid bags that keeps little ones entertained. We also ran into my friend Jasmine and her 3-year-old son Austin, who Joshua likes to play with when we go to LHOP.

Since it was raining, we couldn't play on the playground so instead I offered for the crew to come back to our house. We had a fun time playing and hanging out. Once again, the kids did really well and us mommas enjoyed catching up. Julie & I have so much in common it's scary: from weight loss to writing to being a mom and wife to loving Jesus. So, it's fun to chat about what's going on in our lives and relate. She also said that she took a picture of me when she went to get her hair done to say that's how she wanted it, which I took as a huge compliment. :)

After they left, the boys ate lunch and took a long nap. We were supposed to get together with friends that evening, too, but all our little friends had colds and I didn't want to risk getting the boys sick. Daddy went with the guys from small group to the Brickyard to watch the game and have supper. I decided to let Joshua help me make apple cinnamon bread for something to do. He loved dumping the ingredients and told me over and over again that he did "a very great job cooking!" Daddy was home early and we all snuggled since it was so chilly. :) It was a nice Friday.

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