Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy 37-month birthday, Joshua!

Joshua turned 37-months old on October 18. In the meantime, I was having issues with blogger. First I ran out of picture storage, which Shawn purchased more room for me, and then I said to use the new software which puts my pictures in weird places and I can't seem to be able to type (as you may have noticed). So, I haven't posted as much lately. But, I must get better! I want this to be a little tribute to my babies, so I'm pressing on!!!

On Joshua's actual 37-month birthday, we did pumpkin carving, as I already blogged about. But, I didn't give an update on him. He has been completely enthralled with trains ever since our Day Out with Thomas. He LOVES his new Thomas books he got for his birthday, and my absolute favorite "new" thing he's been doing is reading them back to us, almost word for word. Now, he's not actually reading, mind you, but he memorizes the words on each page from what we've read to him and can pretty well re-tell the story so it looks like he's reading. His little mind never ceases to amaze me!

We also LOVE his singing. He's singing even more of the words to songs and sings pretty well in tune. So, if a song gets really high at the end, he does, too. We love it! There was a song on one of the Thomas shows that talked about sharing and after listening to it once, he was able to sing along with it. It's seriously the cutest thing we've ever seen.

And, while I always thought Joshua was skinny and small for his age, now that I've seen his pre-school, I think he's pretty average. He's also been eating us out of house and home this past week, and I think he & Caleb both have had a growth spurt recently. I'm going to have to take out some of the adjustable waist pants and re-size them, and I think it will soon be time for 4T shirts for the Bean and 18-month for Caleb. Both of them have really long torsos compared to the rest of their body, I think.

I also love how Joshua thanks God for everything. He prays and thanks God for very random things like triangles, trains, people (and he remembers folks we don't always think of!), nice days, etc. It's very sweet to listen to his heart. He'll also tell us he loves us without us saying it first, which is also heartwarming. He tells Caleb "I love you, Caleb" all the time with no response from the little guy quite yet. But, we tell him what a good big brother he is.

One of my favorite memories from his birthday was when he kept trying to eat the pumpkin insides. YUCK! He kept asking and asking and then said "there's watermelon in pumpkins!" Shawn was the first to realize that he meant "cantaloupe" (we always buy watermelon and cantaloupe together, and he must have gotten the two mixed up). He kept trying to eat the orange insides, thinking he had discovered cantaloupe, which he loves. We giggled. Silly Bean!

I see Joshua getting older and older, and I think I appreciate it more because I see the differences between him and Caleb. Joshua knows the boundaries to our yard; I trust Joshua playing with certain toys or books that I would never let Caleb have on his own without direct supervision, Joshua eats nicely with his utensils, and he's staying dry for the most part with his potty training. It's amazing to see a little baby grow to three years plus one month! I am honored God would allow me to see this transition and learn so much about His love in the process.

Happy 37-month birthday, my little Bean!

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