Saturday, August 8, 2009

Scoot, Scoot!

On Thursday, Mom came over and watched the boys while I met a friend for lunch at Friendly's. I used to work with Kelley at Masterpiece Marketing, and funny enough I seemed to have seen all the old gals this week! We had a great time chatting and catching up. Thanks, Mom, for keeping an eye on my little guys so I could have fun! While Grandma was at our house, I asked her if she would mind if we would stop in at her place that night to play her Wii. She said Ken left for his weekly guitar playing at 6:30 and we were welcome to come over anytime after that. We got there right as he was leaving, and Shawn & I played three rounds of bowling while Grandma entertained the boys in the playroom in the basement. I couldn't believe it - I beat Shawn at every single game! My first round I bowled a 136, my second round I bowled a 176 and my third round I bowled a whopping 219! I even got to see what three strikes in a row looked like (a "turkey" as they called it). It was luck, let me tell you. I thought I should have bought a lottery ticket that night!
Pretty soon I headed back to the boys while Shawn continued to play golf & baseball, etc. I get bored with video games pretty quickly. My attention span is that of a 2-year-old (maybe that's why Bean & I get along so well???). We had fun anyway! The next morning I called my sister Jen to see if she'd like to walk to the park. She said sure, so we met her and her kiddos at their house and walked up from there. Jen offered to bring a scooter for Joshua to try out there, telling me how much Daniel enjoyed riding it. I wasn't quite sure that my Bean was old enough, but then I saw Daniel hop on (his older sister's scooter, as you can tell from it being pink) and he went really, really fast. He was amazing at it!!!So, I decided to let Joshua check it out. He put on Emma's pink & purple care-bear helmet......and he gave it a shot. He didn't know whether or not he liked it at first. He didn't quite get the hang of it, and that frustrated him when he saw his younger cousin having no trouble at all.But soon he got the idea and went a few yards...
Eventually, he gave it back to Emma to play with while he enjoyed swinging and sliding and playing before he told me he was "very hungry." So, we left the park to come home and get some lunch before nap time. I knew they needed naps since I had made reservations at Bounce U, so it was good to come home. Fun times!

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