Monday, August 17, 2009

Float like a Butterfly, Get Stung by a Bee

This week has flown by, literally. Erica has spent the week at our house, starting Wednesday. On Friday afternoon, we took the boys to the slides behind our house for a little while. Then she met a friend for dinner. After she got home, we took the kiddos to Leisure Lanes for 50 cent mini-golf. Even Caleb got his own little club.Saturday morning, Aunt Erica attended her friend's wedding (the reason for her trip) and Shawn & I packed up the kids and headed to Blue Marsh Lake in Reading. It's $3 a car load to get in, and they have a small sandy "beach" area where we tried to make sand castles (without much luck), an area for swimming in the lake, shaded spots with lots of grass, picnic tables, a nice bath house and more. Joshua loved watching the boats and swimming. (I forgot my camera at home once again - dangit!) I had packed our lunch, so we ate sandwiches and fresh fruit there. As I was heading to wash the sand off my feet before we left, I got stung by a bee on my second toe in from my big toe. I felt this ungodly painful prick and I looked down with dread as the stinger was still there. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to bees. My foot swelled up, I was itchy all over and then the blisters started to form. So, Shawn went to CVS Pharmacy for me to get some medicine. Ugh! The right side of my body is in bad shape!
Sunday afternoon we were invited to go to Chris & Lisa's house for a picnic with our life group while Erica had spent the day with Missy. We changed the boys into their bathing suits, and they had a blast playing in the baby pool, the water table, with the water hose ball, etc. Joshua is pictured below with their tiger bubble maker.
Today, Aunt Missy came over and spent some time here with Aunt Erica & the boys while I did some work getting ready for school - I can't believe it starts in two weeks. I'm feeling a little anxiety over it starting so soon. For lunch, we headed to the mall and let the kids play in the indoor playground. For Erica's 'last hurrah' we met Uncle Brian, Aunt Gayle, Grant & Jenavieve and Aunt Missy at Hoss' Steakhouse for dinner. On the way home, we passed a cemetary where Joshua said 'Look, Dad, at all the TV's!' We all cracked up...umm, not quite. How do explain a grave stone to a two-year-old? The answer? You don't! We just said "nope!" When we got home, we played some soccer in our backyard before heading indoors and putting the boys to bed. Speaking of which, it's my bed time now. Goodnight!

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