Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Last Week of Freedom

I can't believe how quickly this week flew by! On Monday, I finally booked Joshua's birthday party and sent out the invitations. He kept asking for "more party" when he saw the place, which made me smile. He also was quick to tell Grandma the next day that he was getting a party. Monday night was girls night out with our life group friends. Angie wasn't sure where she was going and asked if she could ride along with me - absolutely! So, we met Becca & Lisa there (Melanie was at the beach this week). We had a fantastic time at a new restaurant called Loxley's, which had good food and an excellent outdoor dining atmosphere. I would highly recommend it!
Tuesday morning, I woke up at 6:30 am and exercised to my DVD. Joshua came down and wanted to snuggle toward the end, so I didn't do the full hour, but I got over 30 minutes of cardio in. I'm praying that I can continue to wake up early and get my workouts over so that I can be more productive during naptime! Later that morning, my hairdresser called and said she had accidentally double-booked herself that night and was wondering if I could come in the afternoon. Mom agreed to watch the boys, and it worked out perfectly. I was in, out and home within an hour and a half, and I got a cut, color and highlight and she blew it dry. With how much hair I have, that's impressive! And she's reasonably priced! I love her!
Since my hair appointment was done earlier than I expected, I - along with the boys - was able to meet Grandpa Georgia, Aunt Becky & Uncle Tim at Aunt Jen's house for spaghetti that night. Shawn went to Uncle Brian's house to do a fantasy football draft. Originally they were going to go out, but then Uncle Brian had the kiddos so they hung out at his place. After a delicious supper and ice cream treat, I came home and put the boys to bed, and Daddy was home shortly after 9 pm - after accidentally forgetting his cell phone there. DOH!
Wednesday morning, I got up again at 6:30 am and went for a jog. It was gorgeous out! I can definitely tell it's starting to feel like fall already. It was almost chilly 'til I got really moving. Afterward, I got a shower and got us all ready, and we went to the Greasy Spoon again with Dad. Whereas Joshua hadn't eaten more than a couple bites the last two weeks (which was starting to make me panic, literally), he ate all his bacon and most of his pancake there. Hallelujah! Afterward, Jen had a haircut scheduled for Faith & Emma, so Dad & I watched Daniel & Grace during that time. I suggested we walk up to the park, and the kids had a blast. They slid and climbed and swang and then road on the scooters. Dad said if he was a stay-at-home mom, he would "live" at this park. There was a nice spot in the shade where he could sit on the park bench and watch the kiddos as they played and played. We walked home, and Jen arrived shortly thereafter.
That night, Shawn & I had already made plans and had asked the new babysitter to come again. We had a great time...only to have Shawn get sick in the middle of the night. Ugh! Please pray that he feels better!!!

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