Sunday, August 23, 2009

From Trash to Treasure

"Grandpa Georgia" drove into town on Friday, and his first stop was our house for supper. After Becky & Tim finished their dinner out, they also swung by. We all played on Shawn's new Wii (which he bought after we enjoyed playing Mom's so much). He sold some baseball cards to get the money and seems thrilled with the exchange. :)Dad brought up all sorts of toys for the boys, including a little grill where the 'charcoal' lights up like it's a real fire. It's cute. There was also a shopping cart, a cash register, a new phone, and various other things. The boys played and played. Early Saturday morning we met Dad along with Jen's whole family at Bridgeport Family Restaurant (Dad's favorite "Greasy Spoon") and then Dad hopped in our car to go yardsaling while Jen & her brood headed home. It had rained the night before and was looking pretty dreary, but we found a community yardsale and enjoyed our time out! I have two favorite purchases from the day. The first was the lamp pictured above and below...I've been wanting a sports lamp for Joshua's room but didn't want to spend the money on it. Shawn spotted this one in someone's clean garage and bought it for $5. It cleaned right up! The second was a child's abacus activity center. I know those are OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive new (like over $100) and Grandpa bought one for the boys for $10. It looked brand new! We also got a few dinosaurs, a new truck, an airplane, a couple reading books and coloring books. It was fun to be out and about, and the boys loved it. ***I almost forgot to post my favorite "Joshua Moment" from the day. When we went into the one lady's garage, Joshua looked up at me and said 'everything in the nest is for sale, everything out of the nest is not for sale.' I cracked up! That was an episode of Sesame Street where Big Bird was having a nest sale! Joshua understood the concept of the garage sales...both Shawn & I giggled.***
That evening we went to Jen's for pizza and hung out with the whole fam. I didn't remember my camera, though. Doh! Grandpa left to go visit his relatives in Dubois early this morning and won't be back until Tuesday.This morning I woke up early and went for a jog before we had our friends Lisa & Chris and their daughter Isabella over for a big breakfast. [They had us over last, which was awhile ago, and I realized it was our turn to host.] We had a great morning! The kids played and played and breakfast tasted good. :) Shawn flipped the pancakes while I poured drinks and we feasted on pancakes, eggs, bacon, pastries, bananas, etc. But, I drank WAY too much coffee, and I've been shaky ever since. So, we took it easy today. We needed a day of rest! We're looking forward to a busy week...the last week before school starts for me & the Bean!

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