Friday, October 31, 2008

Much Improved

Since my last post about sleep, we've actually been doing much better (thank you for your prayers!). Joshua is doing better at staying in his room, and Caleb has slept through the night since we put him in his crib in the nursery. While we still have to work on getting the boys to go to bed at a reasonable hour, we have made VAST improvements overall.
Joshua has also been eating like a champ the last several days. We went out to lunch with Mom on Thursday, and he ate his entire lunch at the restaurant, along with some of my dessert. Both boys were soooo good at T. Burke! In general, Joshua has been sitting at the dinner table, eating with us and getting better at using silverware (not great, but much improved). It's been great to see him finally start to eat again!
That's why we were surprised when Joshua came in our room in the wee hours of the morning. We had been doing so well! I softly asked the Bean, "Joshua, are you in here?" And, I heard a sweet little nearby voice reply back, "No!" I guess the next thing we'll have to teach him is that lying is wrong!!!

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