Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Week 26

Fetal Development:
Your baby could weigh about two pounds now and be around 9 inches long (crown of the head to the rump). As the blood vessels in the lungs began last week, the air sacs in the lungs begin this week. The lungs begin to secrete surfactant which covers the inner lining of the air sacs which then allows the lungs to expand normally during breathing. Besides the active lung growth, the brain kicks in with brain wave activity for the visual and auditory systems.

Ideas for Dad:
How is the nursery coming? (Or, in our case Joshua's bedroom...) If you are planning to have everything ready, now is a good time to start. Paint the room (and keep Mom away from the fumes), put the furniture together and have fun preparing for this new little family member with Mom. These are a few of the things you can do for your baby while Mom is gestating.

Inspirational Thoughts:
"The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day." ~O. A. Battista

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