Saturday, March 29, 2008

God's Little Boy is...Brave

What can you do to be fearless and strong,
To be bold and brave your whole life long?
You don't need to worry or be afraid,
For God has promised to come to your aid!
You won't need to be afraid when you lie down.
When you lie down your sleep will be peaceful.
...The Lord will keep you safe.
Proverbs 3:24, 26
I haven't posted anything from Joshua's book recently on purpose. I must have read this book 100 times or more already, and each time I come to this page, I am awestruck once again by God's goodness to us. This last time Joshua was in the hospital, I found him struggling to breath in his crib in the morning. I think the reason that he doesn't always sleep through the night (I should say rarely...) is because I always go get him when he cries. I can't help myself - I've been afraid for his little life at night. There was a guy who I knew through friends who died in his sleep of asthma when we were all in high school. Especially since Joshua's diagnosis of asthma, I've been concerned about him at night - is he okay? Can he breathe? Is he sick? Does he need me? Since he can't talk, I never know why he cries. And, I know it's silly to worry, but I can't seem to stop when it comes to my precious baby. So, once again as I read this passage, it's taken me a few weeks to really take let these verses from Proverbs sink in. Joshua doesn't need to be afraid when he lies down (and neither do I!) because the his sleep will be peaceful and the Lord will keep him safe. There's nothing I can do as a mommy besides love him up and pray for him, but God can do ALL things and has the power to keep him healthy and safe. Please pray with us that he will be brave, especially at night.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that you know what we need to hear and exactly when we need to hear it. I thank you that you've written your love letters to us in the Bible and that we can read exactly what's on your heart for us. I thank you for these verses in Proverbs where we don't have to be afraid when we lie down because you've promised to give us peaceful sleep and keep us safe. I ask that you would keep Joshua safe at night, heal him from all sickness and keep your breathe of life flowing through his body 24/7. I pray that you also would make our Joshua brave, just as you made Joshua of the Bible brave to do all the things you called him to do in his life. Help us also to be brave to show the Bean a good example and point him in the direction that you have for him. Thank you again for speaking to us about your Father heart, and allow me to rest in the fact that you're taking care of our family. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!

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